Mikhail Zenkevich

Zenkevich, Mikhail Aleksandrovich


Born May 9 (21), 1891, in the village of Nikolaevskii Gorodok, in present-day Saratov Oblast. Soviet Russian poet and translator. Member of the CPSU from 1947.

Zenkevich is the author of the collection of poetry Wild Porphyry (1912), the narrative poem Harvesting Season (1931), and the collection Steady Climb (1937). One of the founders of the Soviet school of poetry translation, Zenkevich translated the works of F. Freiligrath, V. Hugo, W. Whitman, Shakespeare, and the contemporary poets of Europe and the USA.


Poetry XX veka: Stikhi zarubezhnykh poetov v perevode M. Zenkevicha. (Introduction by N. Tikhonov.) Moscow, 1965.


Levidova, I. “Tsel’nost’ i mnogoobrazie.” Inostrannaia literatura, 1966, no. 1.