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DictionarySeevagotomymedical vagotomy
vagotomy [va-got´ah-me] interruption of the impulses carried by the vagus nerve or nerves; so called because it was first performed by surgical methods. The surgical procedure is done as part of the treatment of gastric or ulcer" >duodenal ulcer and often is performed in combination with gastroenterostomy or partial gastrectomy. The vagus nerve stimulates gastric secretion and affects gastric motility, so that vagotomy reduces the secretion of gastric juices and decreases physical activity of the stomach. Sites at which the three types of vagotomy are performed.highly selective vagotomy division of only those vagal fibers supplying the acid-secreting glands of the stomach, with preservation of those supplying the antrum as well as of the hepatic and celiac branches.medical vagotomy interruption of impulses carried by the vagus nerve by administration of suitable drugs.parietal cell vagotomy selective severing of the vagus nerve fibers supplying the proximal two thirds (parietal area) of the stomach; done for ulcer" >duodenal ulcer.selective vagotomy division of the vagal fibers to the stomach with preservation of the hepatic and celiac branches.truncal vagotomy surgical division of the two main trunks of the abdominal vagus nerve as they emerge through the esophageal hiatus.medical vagotomyAdministration of drugs to prevent function of the vagus nerve.See also: vagotomy |