Molleson, Ivan

Molleson, Ivan Ivanovich


Born Feb. 22 (Mar. 6), 1842, in Irkutsk; died Dec. 18, 1920, in Voronezh. Russian health officer; one of the organizers of zemstvo (district and provincial self-government) medicine.

In 1865, Molleson graduated from the medical faculty of the University of Kazan. He worked in Vyatka, Perm’, Saratov, Tambov, and Kaluga provinces. In 1872 he was appointed as the first zemstvo health officer. In 1873 in Shadrinsk he organized the first physicians’ council on public health of a district zemstvo in Russia. He was the initiator and leader of a number of provincial congresses of zemstvo physicians and an active participant in the Pirogov congresses. He developed forms for medical registration and recording; many of his works are devoted to public-health statistics, demography, public health in the trades and industries, and health in the schools.


Zemskaia meditsina. Kazan, 1871.


Petrov, B. D.“Pervyi russkii sanitarnyi vrach I. I. Molleson.” Gigiena i sanitariia, 1972, no. 7.