释义 |
lensectomy lens·ec·to·my (lenz-ek'tŏ-mē), Removal of the lens of the eye by an infusion-aspiration cutter; often done by puncture incision through the pars plana in the course of vitrectomy. [lens + G. ektomē, excision] lensectomy (lĕn-zĕk′tə-mē)n. Surgical removal of the lens, usually done by puncture incision through the ciliary disk during vitrectomy.lens·ec·to·my (lenz-ek'tŏ-mē) Removal of the lens of the eye. [lens + G. ektomē, excision]lensectomy, lentectomy (len-zek'to-me) [L. lens, lentil, + Gr. ektome, excision] The surgical removal of the lens of the eye. Synonym: lentectomy |