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Lennox-Gastaut syndrome
Len·nox-Gas·taut syn·drome (len'ŏks gahs-tō), a generalized myoclonic astatic epilepsy in children, with mental retardation, resulting from various cerebral afflictions such as perinatal hypoxia, cerebral hemorrhage, encephalitides, and maldevelopment or metabolic disorders of the brain; characterized by multiple seizure types (generalized tonic, atonic, myoclonic, tonic-clonic, and atypical absence) and background slowing and slow spike and wave pattern on EEG. Synonym(s): Lennox syndromeLennox-Gastaut syndrome Lennox syndrome Neurology A severe encephalopathic form of epilepsy that constitutes 5% of all childhood epilepsies Clinical Early onset of multiple types–eg, absence, atonic, and others of seizures, slow spike-wave EEG pattern, cerebral atrophy, and often progressive mental retardation; seizures are poorly controlled even with multiple anticonvulsants Prognosis For cognitive development, poor; felbamate may ↓ Sx. See Felbamate. Len·nox-Gas·taut syn·drome , Lennox syndrome (len'ŏks gahs-tō' sin'drōm) A generalized myoclonic astatic epilepsy in children, with mental retardation, resulting from various cerebral afflictions such as perinatal hypoxia, cerebral hemorrhage, encephalitides, maldevelopment or metabolic disorders of the brain; characterized by multiple seizure types (generalized tonic, atonic, myoclonic, tonic-clonic, and atypical absence) and background slowing and slow spike and wave pattern on electroencephalogram; patients are usually mentally retarded or developmentally delayed. Gastaut, Henri, French biologist, 1915–. Gastaut syndrome - juvenile hemiplegic epilepsy with ipsilateral signs.Lennox-Gastaut syndrome - see under Lennox
Lennox, William G., U.S. neurologist, 1884-1960. Lennox-Gastaut syndrome - a generalized myoclonic astatic epilepsy in children, with mental retardation. Synonym(s): Lennox syndromeLennox syndrome - Synonym(s): Lennox-Gastaut syndromeAcronymsSeeleaky gut syndrome |