Lenkoran Lowland

Lenkoran’ Lowland


a lowland in the southern Azerbaijan SSR, between the Caspian Sea and the Talysh Mountains. Width in the south, 5–6 km; in the north, 25–30 km. It consists of a plain that slopes gently toward the sea (four sea terraces) and is composed of sand, clay, conglomerates, and loam. The climate is subtropical. The average temperature in July is 24°-25°C, and in January, 3.2° to — 1.5°C. The annual precipitation is 1,400–1,700 mm (maximum in winter). There is humid, subtropical, lowland forest and meadow-swamp terrain. The soils are swampmeadow and yellow-podzolic. There are forests of the East-Caucasian subtropical type with chestnut-leaf oak, Persian parrotia, honey locust, and alder. There are also reed bogs. Rice, tea, tobacco, and vegetables are cultivated. The Kyzylagach Preserve is in the Lenkoran’ Lowland and includes the adjoining waters of the Caspian Sea (Kirov Gulf).