KMIKerrigan Media International, Inc.
KMIKnowledge Media Institute
KMIKnowledge Management Institute (George Washington University)
KMIKoninklijk Meteorologisch Instituut
KMIKobayashi-Maskawa Institute for the Origin of Particles and the Universe (Nagoya University; Japan)
KMIKey Management Infrastructure
KMIKinesis Myofascial Integration (type of structural integration)
KMIMiyazaki, Japan - Miyazaki (Airport Code)
KMIKvichak Marine Industries (Seattle, WA)
KMIKeep Me Informed
KMIKûno Masës Indeksas (Lithuanian: Body Mass Index)
KMIKennedy Space Center Management Instruction
KMIKosage Motivational Inc.
KMIKlaus Management International (virtual office services)