Mikhailovskoe Kurgans
Mikhailovskoe Kurgans
a group of barrows (more than 400 mounds) from the second half of the tenth century and the early 11th century located at the village of Mikhailovskoe near the city of Yaroslavl. The kurgans were investigated from the late 19th century through 1961. The kurgans contained both cremations and inhumations. The items found in the burials included modeled pottery, fibulae, swords, spears, arrows, and Arab coins.
The Mikhailovskoe kurgans belonged to the indigenous Finnish population and to Slavic tribes that had migrated to the region. Although individual burials of warriors and wealthy women, along with Scandinavian fibulae and oriental beads, were found, burials with poor inventories predominated.
Stankevich, la. V. “K voprosu ob etnicheskom sostave naseleniia laroslavskogo Povolzh’ia v IX-x vv.” In the collection Materialy i issledovaniia po arkheologii SSSR, no. 6. Moscow-Leningrad, 1941.Iaroslavskoe Povolzh’e X–XI vv. Moscow, 1963.