Klusky, Franek
Klusky, Franek (b. 1874)
(religion, spiritualism, and occult)Franek Klusky was the pseudonym of a distinguished Polish poet and writer who possessed great psychic gifts. He had visions, premonitions, and saw spirits when he was a child. He thought this quite natural and conversed with the spirit forms he saw. His ability was not recognized until his early forties, when he attended a séance of the materialization medium Jan Guzik (1875—1928). Klusky reluctantly agreed to be examined by psychical researchers.
Klusky demonstrated all aspects of physical mediumship, including materializations. During these he retained consciousness. He happily agreed to make himself available to the Polish Society for Psychical Research and also sat at the Institut Métapsychique of Paris in 1920, with Professor Charles Richet, Count de Grammont, and Gustave Geley. He allowed paraffin casts of materialized limbs to be taken and it is said that these were the finest and best objective evidences of Spiritualistic power ever produced. An unusual aspect of his séances was that he sometimes produced materialization of animals. In 1926, Col. Norbert Ocholowicz published Wspomnienie Z. Seansow Z, a book on Klusky’s mediumship.
Fodor, Nandor: Encyclopedia of Psychic Science. London: Arthurs Press, 1933