Leningrad Institute of Engineering Economics

Leningrad Institute of Engineering Economics


(full name, Palmiro Togliatti Leningrad Institute of Engineering Economics), an institute founded in 1930 to replace the industrial division of the Leningrad Institute of the National Economy, which was established in 1926. In 1964 the institute was named in honor of Palmiro Togliatti. The work of Academician L. A. Melent’ev and Professors V. V. Novozhilov, A. A. Matalin, K. G. Tatevosov, and B. A. Konstantinov is associated with the institute.

The institute has the following departments (1973): power engineering, machine building, chemistry, construction and municipal services, automation of production control, and training of organizers of industrial production and construction; it also has a preparatory division, a graduate school, 25 subdepartments, and two branch research laboratories. The library has 264,000 volumes. In 1972–73, 4,000 students were being taught by 270 teachers, including 20 professors and doctors of science and 145 docents and candidates of science. The institute is entitled to accept doctoral and candidate’s dissertations for defense. The Trudy of the institute has been published since 1939. During its existence, the institute has trained more than 10,000 specialists.