Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute
Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute
(full name, N. A. Voznesenskii Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute), an institute organized to replace the economics department of the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute.
In 1940 the Higher Pedagogical Institute of the Ministry of Finance of the USSR and in 1954 the Leningrad Planning Institute were incorporated into the Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute, both with the status of departments. In 1963 the institute was named after N. A. Voznesenskii.
The institute in 1973 consisted of a planning department (with a division of economic cybernetics), a labor organization department, a department of planning of material and technical supply, a financial and economics department, an accounting department, advanced courses for specialists, and evening and correspondence departments, as well as a preparatory division, study and consultation centers in Murmansk, Vologda, and Novgorod, a graduate department, 27 subdepartments, three research laboratories, and a computer center. The library has more than 600,000 volumes. During the 1972–73 school year, more than 9,000 students were enrolled and approximately 650 teachers and scientific workers were employed, including 45 professors and doctors of science and approximately 250 docents and candidates of science. The institute has the right to grant doctor’s and candidate’s degrees. It has published Nauchnye zapiski (Scientific Notes) since 1940. Between 1930 and 1972 more than 32,000 specialists were graduated by the institute.