Nuclear Paramagnetism

nuclear paramagnetism

[′nü·klē·ər ‚par·ə′mag·nə‚tiz·əm] (physics) Paramagnetism in which a substance develops a net magnetic moment because the magnetic moments of nuclei tend to point in the direction of the field.

Nuclear Paramagnetism


the magnetism of substances that is due to the magnetic moments of atomic nuclei. In a static magnetic field H0, the existence of nuclear magnetic moments results in a weak paramagnetism in the form of a small additional nuclear magnetization M0 = XH0, where X is nuclear magnetic susceptibility. The magnetization M0 is 106—108 times as weak as in the case of electron paramagnetism.

Nuclear paramagnetism was first detected in 1937 by L. V. Shubnikov and B. G. Lazarev (USSR) in solid hydrogen. It is studied by means of nuclear magnetic resonance.