Nordenskjöld, Otto

Nordenskjöld, Otto


Born Dec. 6, 1869, in Hässleby, Småland, Sweden; died June 2, 1928, in Göteborg, Sweden. Swedish geologist and explorer. Nephew of N. A. E. Nordenskjöld.

Nordenskjöld graduated from the University of Uppsala in 1894 and was appointed a professor at Göteborg University in 1905. In 1895–97 he led an expedition to Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego, where he studied glacial geology. In 1898–1900 he visited the Klondike in the Yukon and Greenland. In 1901–03 he headed a Swedish antarctic expedition aboard the vessel Antarctic. The expedition explored the northeastern part of Graham Land and gathered extensive material on the geology and geography of Antarctica. In 1920–21 he made an expedition to the Peruvian and Chilean Andes.


Die schwedische Südpolar-Expedition und ihre geographische Tätigkeit. Stockholm, 1911. (Wissenschaftliche Ergebnissederschwedischen Südpolar-Expedition 1901–1903 unter Leitung von O. Nordenskiöld, vol. 1)
In Russian translation:
Poliarnyi mir i sosednie emu strany. Moscow, 1913.