Mikhail Mikhailovich Bakhtin
Bakhtin, Mikhail Mikhailovich
Born Nov. 5 (17), 1895, in the city of Orel. Soviet Russian literary scholar.
In 1920, Bakhtin began his pedagogical and literary work. In his book Problems in Dostoevsky’s Works (1929) he studied the polyphonic character of the author’s artistic thought. In his book on F. Rabelais (1965), Bakhtin analyzed the essence of the comic and the grotesque, the popular “carnivalization” of art. He is also the author of articles on L. N. Tolstoy (1930) and works on the theory of literature.
Problemy poetiki Dostoevskogo, 2nd ed. Moscow, 1963.Tvorchestvo F. Rable i narodnaia kul’tura Srednevekov’ia i Renessansa. Moscow, 1965.
“Epos i roman.” Voprosy literatury, 1970, no. 1.
Lunacharskii, A. V. “O’mnogogolosnosti’ Dostoevskogo.” In his book Stat’i o literature. Moscow, 1957.Shubin, L. “Gumanizm Dostoevskogo i’dostoevshchina’.” Voprosy literatury, 1965, no. 1.
Pospelov,G. “Preuvelicheniia ot uvlecheniia.” Voprosy literatury, 1965, no. 1.
Pinskii, L. “Rable v novom osveshchenii.” Voprosy literatury, 1966, no. 6.