an urban-type settlement in Priargunsk Raion, Chita Oblast, RSFSR.
Klichka is located on the slopes of the Klichka Range. It is connected by branch line with the Kharanor-Priargunsk rail-road. A polymetals combine is located in the settlement.
a mountain range in Chita Oblast, RSFSR.
The Klichka Range is 220 km long. It reaches an altitude of 1,251 m. It is composed primarily of limestones and sandstones. Within these there are intrusions of various granitoids and associated deposits of polymetals, tungsten, mica, and barites. The peaks are predominantly domelike. The valleys are broad. Most of the slopes are covered with tansy steppes (partially tilled) on deep-frozen chernozem soils. There are occasional birch groves on the northern slopes.