Nothnagel syndrome

Noth·na·gel syn·drome

(not'nah-gĕl), dizziness, staggering, and rolling gait, with irregular forms of oculomotor paralysis and often nystagmus, seen in cases of tumor of the midbrain.

Noth·na·gel syn·drome

(not'nā-gel sin'drōm) Dizziness, staggering, and rolling gait, with irregular forms of oculomotor paralysis and often nystagmus, seen in cases of tumor of the midbrain.

Nothnagel syndrome

(nōth′nāg″ĕl) [Carl Wilhelm Nothnagel, Ger. internist, 1841–1905] Paralysis of the oculomotor nerve combined with cerebellar ataxia resulting from a mass or stroke that affects the superior cerebellar peduncle on the same side as the oculomotor paralysis.


C.W. Hermann, Austrian physician, 1841-1905. Nothnagel acroparesthesia - abnormal sensation in the extremities accompanied by circulatory disorders Synonym(s): vasomotor acroparesthesiaNothnagel syndrome - dizziness, staggering, and rolling gait, with irregular forms of oculomotor paralysis and often nystagmus, seen in cases of tumor of the midbrain.