nothing succeeds like success

nothing succeeds like success

Initial success provides the resources and fosters the circumstances for further success. After their surprise championship victory, the team was suddenly flooded with support from the state and went on to become a powerhouse in the region. Nothing succeeds like success, as they say.See also: like, nothing, succeed, success

Nothing succeeds like success.

Prov. If you have succeeded in the past, you will continue to be successful in the future. After Alan's brilliant courtroom victory, everyone wanted to be his client. Nothing succeeds like success.See also: like, nothing, succeed, success

nothing succeeds like success

success leads to opportunities for further and greater successes. proverbSee also: like, nothing, succeed, success

nothing sucˌceeds like sucˈcess

(saying) success encourages you and often leads to more success: The first task the students do should be one they are likely to do well. This is because nothing succeeds like success.See also: like, nothing, succeed, success