释义 |
oncosis oncosis [ong-ko´sis] a morbid condition marked by the development of tumors.on·co·sis (ong-kō'sis), A condition characterized by the formation of one or more neoplasms or tumors. [G. onkōsis, swelling, fr. onkos, bulk, mass] oncosis An obsolete term for: (1) Ischaemic cell death; (2) Oncogenesis; (3) A nonspecific term for the presence of multiple masses, regardless of cause (inflammatory or neoplastic) or portent (benign or malignant).on·co·sis (ong-kō'sis) The formation of one or more neoplasms or tumors. [G. onkōsis, swelling, fr. onkos, bulk, mass] |