Mikhail Ilich Bezborodov
Bezborodov, Mikhail Il’ich
Born Jan. 10, 1907, in the village of Starye Pichengushi, present-day El’niki Raion, Mordovian ASSR; died there on Mar. 11, 1935. Soviet Mordovian writer.
In his narrative poems A True Fairy Tale (1930) and For Freedom, Bezborodov depicts the hard life of the Mordovian people under autocracy and the struggle of the working people for their liberation. The narrative poem Quenched Anger (1930) and the drama Two Camps (1933) are devoted to the class struggle during the years of collectivization. Bezborodov also wrote lyric poetry.
Sochineniiat, vols. 1–2. Saransk, 1939–41.Stikht i poemat. Saransk, 1959.
In Russian translation:
V rodnykh poliakh. Saransk, 1947.
Stikhi i poemy. Saransk, 1958.
Maskaev, A. “M. I. Bezborodov.” In Istoriia mordovskoi sovetskoi literatury, vol. 1. Saransk, 1968.Pisateli Sovetskoi Mordovii: Bibliograficheskii spravochnik. Saransk, 1958.