Mikhail Gersevanov

Gersevanov, Mikhail Nikolaevich


Born Mar. 25 (Apr. 6), 1830, in the village of Nikopol’ in present-day Kharkov Oblast; died May 16 (29), 1907, in St. Petersburg. Russian construction engineer and scientist in the field of hydraulic engineering.

In 1851, Gersevanov graduated from the Central Engineering School in St. Petersburg; beginning in 1857 he was an instructor at that school. From 1862 to 1868 he was a consultant on construction work in the ports of Kronstadt, Nikolaev, Kerch, Odessa, and other cities. From 1868 to 1883 he was chief engineer of civil construction in the Caucasus, where highways were built under his supervision. From 1883 through 1901 he was director of the Institute of Transportation and Communications Engineers in St. Petersburg. From 1885 to 1893 he was vice-chairman of the commission on the organization of commercial ports. His principal publications were in the field of marine hydraulic engineering. In his work Lectures on Marine Structures (1861-62), he gave the theoretical basis for the processes of the interaction of marine structures with their environment.


Kavkazskie zheleznye dorogi. Moscow, 1874.
Ocherk gidrografii Kavkazskogo kraia. St. Petersburg, 1886.
Kurs portovykh sooruzhenii, 2nd ed. St. Petersburg, 1907.


Budtolaev, N. M. Vydaiushchiisia russkii teoretik portovoi gidrotekhniki M. N. Gersevanov (1830-1907)—Ocherk zhizni i deiatel’ nosti: K 120-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia. Moscow, 1950.