Mikhail Georgievich Fomichev
Fomichev, Mikhail Georgievich
Born Sept. 25 (Oct. 8), 1911, in the village of Sloboda, in what is now Belev Raion, Tula Oblast. Soviet military leader. Twice Hero of the Soviet Union (Sept. 23, 1944, and May 31, 1945). Lieutenant general of tank forces (1958). Member of the CPSU since 1939.
Fomichev joined the Soviet Army in 1933 and graduated from the Frunze Orlov Armored School in 1937, the Military Academy for Armored Forces in 1941, the Military Academy of the General Staff in 1948, and the advanced academic courses of the Military Academy of the General Staff in 1969. During the Great Patriotic War of 1941–45, Fomichev held staff posts; in 1943 he was appointed commander of a tank brigade, then chief of staff of a tank corps, and, in 1944, commander of the 244th (later the 63rd Guards) Tank Brigade. He took part in the battle of Stalingrad, the liberation of the Ukraine and Poland, the assault on Berlin, and the liberation of Czechoslovakia. After the war, Fomichev held command posts in the field. In 1962 he became deputy commander of the troops of a military district and in 1969 was assigned to important work in the central apparatus of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR. He retired in 1972.
Fomichev has been awarded the Order of Lenin, two Orders of the Red Banner, Orders of Suvorov and Kutuzov Second Class, two Orders of the Red Star, various medals, and foreign orders and medals.