Mikhail Gavrilovich Tartakovskii

Tartakovskii, Mikhail Gavrilovich


Born 1867; died 1935. Soviet scientist, specialis’t in epizootiology, microbiology, and pathological anatomy.

Tartakovskii graduated from the Dorpat (Iur’ev) Veterinary Institute in 1890. In 1898 he earned the master’s degree in veterinary science. He worked in various medical and veterinary institutions and served from 1923 to 1932 as director of the Institute of Comparative Pathology in Leningrad, where he helped organize a museum of comparative pathology. From 1932 to 1935 he took part in a project to eradicate peripneumonia in cattle. Tartakovskii mainly studied rinderpest, plague and typhus in birds, spirochetosis in poultry, glanders, and epizootic lymphangitis. He was also interested in the methods of and the equipment for bacteriology.


Obzor Noveishikh rabot o predokhranitel’nykh privivkakh protiv chumy rogatogo skota. St. Petersburg, 1901.
“Itogi raboty ekspeditsii po voprosam bor’by s peripnevmoniei.” Sovetskaia veterinariia, 1932, nos. 13–24.


Koliakov, Ia. E. “M. G. Tartakovskii—vydaiushchiisia patolog i epizootolog.” Veterinariia, 1967, no. 10.