Acronym | Definition |
LEM➣Low End Mac |
LEM➣Luis Eduardo Magalhaes (Brazilian city) |
LEM➣Lunar Excursion Module |
LEM➣Link Error Monitor |
LEM➣Line Extender Module |
LEM➣Local Emergency Management |
LEM➣Licomp Empik Multimedia (Poland) |
LEM➣Location Efficient Mortgage |
LEM➣Learnable Evolution Model (artificial intelligence) |
LEM➣Law Enforcement Memorial (license plates; various locations) |
LEM➣Labor, Equipment, Materials (various companies) |
LEM➣Large Emerging Market |
LEM➣Lay Eucharistic Minister |
LEM➣Life Extension Magazine (Life Extension Foundation) |
LEM➣Language Extension Module |
LEM➣Law Enforcement Manual |
LEM➣Logistics Element Manager |
LEM➣Linear Electric Motor |
LEM➣Losing E-Mail |
LEM➣Law of Excluded Middle |
LEM➣Lyophilized Extract of Medlar |
LEM➣Licenciado En Mercadotecnia (Mexico) |
LEM➣Lateral Eye Movement (neuro-linguistic programming) |
LEM➣Local Effect Model |
LEM➣Lower Equipment Module (US NASA) |
LEM➣Live from Earth and Mars (educational project; also seen as LFEM) |
LEM➣Laboratory for Energy and Materials (cycles) |
LEM➣Living Eck Master (cult) |
LEM➣Launch Escape Monitor |
LEM➣Light Equipment Maintenance |
LEM➣Light Emission Microscopy / Microscope |
LEM➣Local Event Manager |
LEM➣Local Equipment Manager |
LEM➣Louisville Energy Marketing |