Mikhail Bogolepov

Bogolepov, Mikhail Ivanovich


Born Jan. 9 (21), 1879, in Mozhaisk, Moscow Province; died Aug. 7, 1945, in Moscow. Soviet economist. Specialist in the area of finances. Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1939).

Bogolepov graduated from the department of law of the University of Tomsk in 1903. He engaged in scientific work and teaching, initially at the University of Tomsk (1907–12), subsequently in the University of Petrograd, and later in Moscow University. Continuing his scientific work and teaching after the October Revolution, Bogolepov worked at the same time in Soviet economic agencies. He participated in commissions involved with the nationalization of the banks, he served as an expert in the conclusion of peace treaties with Lithuania and Poland, and he was the organizer and first rector of the Institute of National Economy in Petrograd (1920–22). He worked in theGosplan (State Planning Commission) of the USSR and as an expert in the administration of the Gosbank (State Bank) of the USSR. He took part in the development of the financial program of the first five-year plan. His main works were on financial and credit matters of Russia, the USSR, and capitalist countries. Many of his works have been translated into foreign languages. He was awarded two orders.


Finansy, pravitel’stvo i obshchestvennye interesy. St. Petersburg, 1907.
Gosudarstvennyi dolg. St. Petersburg, 1910.
Ocherki russko-mongolskoi torgovli. Tomsk, 1911.
Finansovyi plan piatiletiia. Moscow, 1929.
Sovetskaia finansovaia sistema. Moscow, 1946.
Bumazhnye den’gi. Moscow, 1922.