

单词 ocs



abbr.1. Officer Candidate School2. Old Church Slavonic


abbreviation for (Military) Officer Candidate School


1. officer candidate school. 2. Old Church Slavonic.



Object Compatibility Standard


(1) (Office Communications Server) The predecessor to Microsoft Lync Server. See Microsoft Lync.

(2) (Open Computer and Software Inventory) Software that automatically collects data about the hardware and software in the network for asset management and inventory purposes. OCS software agents gather the data by residing within the Windows, Linux, Mac, Solaris and AIX machines themselves. For more information, visit www.ocsinventory-ng.org.

(3) (Occupant Classification System) An automobile safety system that uses dual-stage airbags and pressure sensors to determine the size and weight of the person in the front passenger seat. If an accident occurs that sets off the airbags, they would deploy fully for an adult, but only partially or not at all for a child. Based on how a person sat in the seat, earlier systems were not always able to differentiate adults from children, but they have greatly improved.


OCSOuter Continental Shelf
OCSOffice Communications Server (Microsoft)
OCSOfficer Candidate School
OCSOffice of Community Services
OCSOffice of Career Services
OCSOffice of Coast Survey
OCSOverseas Courier Service
OCSOntario Cannabis Store (Ontario, Canada)
OCSOffice of Children's Services (Alaska)
OCSOkinawa Credit Service Co., Ltd. (Japan)
OCSOral Corticosteroids
OCSOcean Colour Scene (band)
OCSOrthopedic Clinical Specialist
OCSOil-Contaminated Soil
OCSOracle Collaboration Suite
OCSOrganizations of Civil Society
OCSOrange County Schools (North Carolina)
OCSOffice of Catholic Schools (various schools)
OCSOverhead Contact System
OCSOverhead Catenary System (power)
OCSOffice of the Chief Scientist (various locations)
OCSOffice Coffee Service
OCSOccupant Classification System
OCSOrder Communication System
OCSOaks Christian School (Westlake Village, CA)
OCSOrdinary Common Sense
OCSOnly Child Syndrome
OCSOriginal Chip Set
OCSOracle Content Services
OCSOnline Charging System
OCSOne Click Search
OCSOpen Controls System
OCSOpen Content Syndication
OCSOpen Computer and Software
OCSObject Compatibility Standard
OCSOptimizing Control System
OCSOperator Communications Software
OCSOnline Content Syndication
OCSOnboard Computer System
OCSOnline Customer Support
OCSOnline Command Server
OCSOnline Community System
OCSon Chip Sequencer
OCSOriginal Chipset (Commodore Amiga computers)
OCSObsessive-Compulsive Spectrum (psychology)
OCSOklahoma Climatological Survey
OCSOrange County Supertones (band)
OCSOn Course Side (sailboat racing)
OCSOral Care Specialist (dentistry)
OCSOperator Control Station
OCSOffice of Cancer Survivorship (National Cancer Institute)
OCSOptical Control System
OCSOrganized Crime Section (various organizations)
OCSOld Church Slavonic (extinct liturgical language; aka Old Church Slavic)
OCSOrthogonal Curvilinear Coordinate System
OCSOn the Course Side (sailing, starting line)
OCSOnline Charging System (commerce software)
OCSOnline Car Show (est. 2004)
OCSOrganizational Culture Survey (various companies)
OCSOnline Customer Service
OCSOfficer Cadet School
OCSOpen Content Syndication (XML format)
OCSOnboard Control System (US NASA)
OCSOffice of Crime Statistics
OCSOperational Control System
OCSOrder Control System
OCSOpen Channel Solutions (Australia)
OCSOffice of the Chief of Staff (US Army)
OCSOutbound Contact Solution
OCSOriginating Call Screening
OCSOffice Car Special (various companies)
OCSOffice of the Chief Statistician (UK)
OCSOffshore Constitutional Settlement (Australia)
OCSOffensive Counterspace
OCSOptimum Class Size
OCSOff-Campus Student
OCSOn Campus Suspension
OCSOpen Cluster Stack (computing)
OCSOpenconnect Systems
OCSOne-Coat Stucco
OCSObstacle Clearance Surface (aviation)
OCSOffice of Conference Services (various universities)
OCSOn-Card Sequencer
OCSOutback Champions Series (tennis)
OCSOnline Consultation Service
OCSOverseas Citizens Service
OCSObsessive-Compulsive Syndrome
OCSOld Chipset (Commodore Amiga computers)
OCSObservatory Carl Sagan (University of Sonora; Mexico)
OCSOphthalmic Coding Specialist
OCSOn-Line Comparison System
OCSOcean Color Scanner
OCSOn Company Service
OCSOnboard Computer System (Russian)
OCSOil Companies School (Libya)
OCSOceanic Control System (air traffic management system used by Airways Corporation of New Zealand Ltd)
OCSOjemann Cortical Stimulator (Integra)
OCSOffering Circular Supplement (bond drafting document)
OCSOrange County Speaker (Garden Grove, CA)
OCSOffender Communication System (Digital Solutions, Inc.; correctional system inmate phone system)
OCSOldtimer Club Stokkem (automobile club; Dilsen-Stokkem, Belgium)
OCSOrbit Control Subsystem
OCSOfficer Conducting the Serial
OCSOptical Character Scanner
OCSOffice of the Corporate Secretary (Canada)
OCSOptical Control Subsystem
OCSOsteopathic Clinical Skills
OCSOccupation Control System (railway)
OCSOverload Control Subsystem
OCSOperational Case Study
OCSOffice of Cyberspace Security (US White House)
OCSOffice of Communication Systems
OCSOil Company of Spain, SA
OCSOxygen Cost Score
OCSOffice of Compensatory Services (Special Education, Baltimore City Public School System)
OCSOne-Cylindrical Stack (capacitor with high dielectric constant)
OCSOperational Capability Demonstration
OCSOverhead Catenary/Collector System (transit)
OCSOrbit Circularization System
OCSOptical Communications Supplement (IEEE)
OCSOptical Channel States (Lucent)
OCSOperations Communications System
OCSOperation and Control Simulator
OCSOffice on Contract Settlement
OCSOptical Crossconnect System
OCSOutstation Communication Subsystem
OCSOregon Cascade Symphony
OCSOeuvre des Colonies Scolaires (French: Works of Colony Schools)
OCSOrdinary Circular Slot




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