释义 |
Naffziger operation Naff·zi·ger op·er·a·tion (naf'zig-ĕr), orbital decompression for severe malignant exophthalmos by removal of the lateral and superior orbital walls.Naffziger operation (năf′zĭ-gər)n. Removal of the lateral and superior orbital walls for the relief of severe exophthalmos.Naff·zi·ger op·er·a·tion (naf'zig-ĕr op-ĕr-ā'shŭn) Orbital decompression for severe malignant exophthalmos by removal of the lateral and superior orbital walls. Naffziger, Howard C., U.S. surgeon, 1884-1961. Naffziger operation - orbital decompression for severe malignant exophthalmos.Naffziger syndrome - Synonym(s): Adson syndrome (1); scalenus-anticus syndromeNaffziger test |