Lehigh County

Lehigh County, Pennsylvania

455 W Hamilton St
Allentown, PA 18101
Phone: (610) 782-3148
Fax: (610) 770-3840

In mideastern PA, northeast of Reading; organized Mar 6, 1812 from Northampton County. Name Origin: For the Lehigh River, which forms most of its eastern border. From Algonquian lechauwekink 'where there are forks'; shortened by Germans to Lecha, then anglicized.

Area (sq mi):: 348.34 (land 346.66; water 1.68) Population per square mile: 953.20
Population 2005: 330,433 State rank: 11 Population change: 2000-20005 5.90%; 1990-2000 7.20% Population 2000: 312,090 (White 83.20%; Black or African American 3.60%; Hispanic or Latino 10.20%; Asian 2.10%; Other 7.30%). Foreign born: 6.20%. Median age: 38.30
Income 2000: per capita $21,897; median household $43,449; Population below poverty level: 9.30% Personal per capita income (2000-2003): $31,050-$33,040
Unemployment (2004): 5.40% Unemployment change (from 2000): 1.20% Median travel time to work: 22.10 minutes Working outside county of residence: 25.40%
Cities with population over 10,000:
  • Allentown County seat (106,732)
  • Emmaus (11,325)

  • See other counties in Pennsylvania.