molar absorption coefficient

mo·lar ab·sorp·tion co·ef·fi·cient (ε),

absorbance (of light) per unit path length (usually the centimeter) and per unit of concentration (in moles per liter); a fundamental unit in spectrophotometry. Synonym(s): absorbancy index (2) , absorptivity (2) , molar absorbancy index, molar absorptivity, molar extinction coefficient

mo·lar ab·sorp·tion co·ef·fic·ient

(ε) (mō'lăr ab-sōrp'shŭn kō-ĕ-fish'ĕnt) Absorbance (of light) per unit path length (usually the centimeter) and per unit of concentration (moles per liter); a fundamental unit in spectrophotometry.
Synonym(s): absorbancy index (2) , absorptivity (2) .