释义 |
Man·de·ville M0074500 (măn′də-vĭl′), Sir John Pen name of the unknown compiler of The Voyage and Travels of Sir John Mandeville, Knight (c. 1371), a description of fantastic journeys through the East.Mandeville (ˈmændəvɪl) n1. (Biography) Bernard de. ?1670–1733, English author, born in Holland, noted for his satire The Fable of the Bees (1723)2. (Biography) Sir John. 14th century, English author of The Travels of Sir John Mandeville. The book claims to be an account of the author's journeys in the East but is largely a compilation from other worksMan•de•ville (ˈmæn dəˌvɪl) n. Sir John, died 1372, pseudonymous English travel writer. MandevilleenUK
Mandeville (man`də vil), town (1991 pop. 39,945), C Jamaica, at an altitude of c.2,000 ft (610 m). Mandeville is an inland resort town known for its cool climate and quiet, English character.Mandevillesupposed author of an exaggerated travelogue. [Br. Lit.: Voyage of Sir John Mandeville, Harvey, 511]See: HumbuggeryMandeville1. Bernard de. ?1670--1733, English author, born in Holland, noted for his satire The Fable of the Bees (1723) 2. Sir John. 14th century, English author of The Travels of Sir John Mandeville. The book claims to be an account of the author's journeys in the East but is largely a compilation from other works |