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kiss K0077000 (kĭs)v. kissed, kiss·ing, kiss·es v.tr.1. To touch or caress with the lips as an expression of affection, greeting, respect, or amorousness.2. To touch lightly or gently: flowers that were kissed by dew.3. To strike lightly; brush against: barely kissed the other car with the bumper.v.intr.1. To engage in mutual touching or caressing with the lips.2. To come into light contact.n.1. A caress or touch with the lips.2. A slight or gentle touch.3. A small piece of candy, especially of chocolate.4. A drop cookie made of egg whites and sugar.Phrasal Verbs: kiss off Slang 1. To dismiss or reject.2. To be forced to give up or regard as lost: He can kiss off that promotion.3. To leave or disappear from notice: got bad press by telling the reporters to kiss off. kiss up Slang To behave obsequiously; fawn.Idioms: kiss ass Vulgar Slang To act submissively or obsequiously in order to gain favor. kiss goodbye Informal To be forced to regard as lost, ruined, or hopeless: She can kiss her vacation plans goodbye. [Middle English kissen, from Old English cyssan.] kiss′a·ble adj.TranslationsIdiomsSeekissEncyclopediaSeeKISSMedicalSeeKiss |