Kishinev, University of
Kishinev, University of
(V. I. Lenin University of Kishinev), a university in the city of Kishinev founded in 1945.
As of 1972, the V. I. Lenin University of Kishinev had departments of physics and cybernetics, mathematics, chemistry, biology and soil science, history, law, philology, foreign languages, and library science. It had a preparatory division for foreign students, a correspondence division, and a graduate program. There were 51 subdepartments, an astronomy station, five research laboratories, and a natural sciences museum. The library had holdings of about 1.5 million.
Instruction at the University of Kishinev is in both Moldavian and Russian. More than 8,000 students were enrolled in the university in 1972. There were 500 instructors, including 31 professors and doctors of science and more than 200 docents and candidates of science.
The university has published the journal Uchenye zapiski (Scholarly Notes) since 1949. The name of V. I. Lenin was added to the official title of the University in 1970. To date, the university has provided training for some 19,000 specialists. It was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor in 1971.