Acronym | Definition |
NAE➣North America and Europe (various organizations) |
NAE➣National Academy of Engineering |
NAE➣National Association of Evangelicals |
NAE➣No Antibiotics Ever (poultry farming) |
NAE➣Native American Environmental (Rapid City, SD) |
NAE➣Non-Agricultural Employment |
NAE➣Novell Application Explorer |
NAE➣Net Acid Excretion (renal physiology) |
NAE➣North American English (US and Canada) |
NAE➣No Adverse Events |
NAE➣New Aryan Empire (gang) |
NAE➣Naval Aviation Enterprise |
NAE➣Network Application Environment (Objective Caml) |
NAE➣Nuclear Active Environment |
NAE➣Native American Employment and Training Council (US DOL) |
NAE➣Not Above or Equal |
NAE➣National Agency for Education |
NAE➣Navy Acquisition Executive |
NAE➣Nuclear Astrophysics Explorer |
NAE➣National Association of Engineering |
NAE➣National Administrative Expenses |
NAE➣National Alliance for Excellence |
NAE➣Nonanomalous Emitter |
NAE➣Noise Augmentation Equipment |
NAE➣National Association of Exhibitors |
NAE➣Naturally-Aspirated Engine |
NAE➣Naval Acoustic Electro-mechanical |