

单词 adf
释义 DictionarySeemfd



(agriculture) acid detergent fiber (electronics) automatic direction finder


In the lumber industry, abbr. for “after deducting freight.”


(1) (Application Development Facility) An IBM programmer-oriented mainframe application generator that runs under IMS.

(2) (Automatic Document Feeder) A paper stacker that feeds one sheet of paper at a time into the unit. ADFs are found on copy machines and multifunction devices (see MFD).



ISO 4217 code for the Andorran franc. In practice, the currency was identical to the French franc, which was replaced by the euro in 1999. The Andorran franc circulated alongside the Andorran peseta.


ADFAutomatic Direction Finder/Finding
ADFAlliance Defense Fund
ADFAustralian Defence Force
ADFApplication Development Framework
ADFAcid Detergent Fiber
ADFAutomatic Direction Finder (US DoD)
ADFAustralian Drug Foundation
ADFAssemblée des Départements de France (French: Departments Assembly France)
ADFAmerican Dance Festival
ADFÁr Ndraíocht Féin (Our Own Druidism)
ADFAlternate Day Fasting (dieting)
ADFAsian Dub Foundation
ADFA Druid Fellowship
ADFAfrican Development Fund
ADFAugmented Dickey-Fuller (economics)
ADFAfrican Development Forum
ADFAuto-Darkening Filter (glass)
ADFAutomocion Diseno Y Fabricacion
ADFAgent Developing Framework
ADFAdd Floating
ADFAutomatic Direction Finder
ADFAdvanced Differential Fabric
ADFAdministration Configuration File
ADFAutomatic Document Feeder
ADFAudio File
ADFAlarm Distribution Frame
ADFAcronym Database File
ADFAdapter Description File
ADFAutomated Document Factory
ADFAbuse-Deterrent Formulations (opiod abuse)
ADFAfrican Development Foundation
ADFAllied Democratic Forces (Ugandan insurgents)
ADFAutomatic Document Feed(er)
ADFArbeitskreis Digitale Fotografie (German: Working Group on Digital Photography)
ADFAssociation Dentaire Française (French Dental Association)
ADFAfrican dwarf frog
ADFAeroporto Di Firenze (Firenze, Italy)
ADFAmerica's Development Foundation
ADFApproved Deposit Fund (Australia)
ADFA Diversified Family (est. 2000)
ADFAverage Daily Flow
ADFAlternative Display Facility (NASD)
ADFAir Defense Force
ADFAutomotive Distribution Federation (UK)
ADFAir Defense Fighter
ADFAmiga Disk File
ADFAnnular Dark-Field
ADFAdvanced Dominance Fighter (aircraft; Gründer Industries)
ADFArbeitsgemeinschaft Dermatologische Forschung (German Society of Experimental Dermatology)
ADFAnglican Development Fund (est. 1967; Australia)
ADFAssociation des Francophones (French: Association of French Speakers)
ADFAdvance Disposal Fee (Florida)
ADFAccess Control Decision Function
ADFAirline Dispatchers Federation
ADFAlbanian Development Fund (Tirana, Albania)
ADFAutomatically Defined Function
ADFApplication Development Facility
ADFAmsterdam Density Functional package
ADFAuto da Fé (band)
ADFArkansas Defense Force
ADFAstrophysics Data Facility
ADFApplication Descriptor File
ADFAvian Development Facility (space station scientific payload; part of the Space Station Biological Research Project)
ADFAerospace Data Facility (USAF)
ADFAirport Duty Free
ADFAmericas Duty Free (publication: Global Marketing Company Ltd.)
ADFAsymptotic Distribution Free
ADFAustralian Doctors' Fund
ADFAverage Duration of Fades
ADFAncillary Data Flag
ADFAirborne Direction Finder
ADFAfter Deducting Freight
ADFAdvanced Distribution Frame (Telect Inc.)
ADFAdd-Drop Filter
ADFAmerican Dancewheels Foundation, Inc. (Bala Cynwyd, PA)
ADFAusbildungsdienst der Formation (Swiss Army)
ADFAnalyse, Développement, Formation (French: Analysis, Development, Training; software development company)
ADFApplication Dependent Format
ADFAirborne Direction-Finding
ADFAuxiliary Detonating Fuze
ADFAvionics Development Facility
ADFAdvisory File
ADFAmplitude Density Function (the probability density of surface height)
ADFAcademy of Dance on Film (Hollywood, California)
ADFAmplify-Decode-and-Forward (protocol)
ADFArgentine Society of Cinematographers
ADFAdministrator's Discretionary Fund
ADFAdditional Deposit Fund (insurance)
ADFAdvanced Development Facility
ADFAddress Decoder Fault
ADFAkuapem Development Foundation (Ghana)
ADFArmy Declassification Facility
ADFAlarm Distribution Frame (Sprint)
ADFArea Delimitation File
ADFAllocation and Distribution of Fires
ADFActivity Address File (claims)
ADFAlveolar Dead Space Fraction
ADFApply Directly to Forehead (band)




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