the members of an illegal revolutionary-democratic society in Iran.
Created in 1905, the Mojahed organization played an active role in the Iranian Revolution of 1905–11, especially in the Tabriz uprising of 1908–09 and the revolutionary coup in Rasht in 1909. The Mojaheds consisted chiefly of members of the petite bourgeoisie, workers, and peasants. The Mojaheds’ program, adopted in 1907, demanded bourgeois-democratic liberties, confiscation of the shah’s lands and purchase of the khans’ lands for redistribution among the peasants, an eight-hour workday, and repeal of taxes on the poor.
The Mojaheds created the fidai regiments as the main armed force of the revolution. Through the Social Democratic group Gummet they were linked with the Bolsheviks of Transcaucasia. During the suppression of the revolution in 1911, the Mojahed organization was dispersed.
In Algeria, participants in the national-liberation war of 1954—62 and fighters for independence were known as Mojaheds.