Kirill of Turov
Kirill of Turov
Probably born in the 1130’s in Turov, present-day Gomel’ Oblast; died no later than 1182. Church figure and writer in ancient Rus’.
Appointed bishop of Turov, Kirill became widely known as a writer and preacher. He was the author of works denouncing the “heretical” bishop of Rostov, Fedorets (The Parable About the Blindman and the Cripple), epistles to Prince Andrei Bogoliubskii, and “words,” or sermons, on the occasion of church feasts. The writings of Kirill bear witness to the high development of oratorical art in ancient Rus’. One of his most poetic works was his Sermon on the Occasion of Holy Week (the Week of St. Thomas), in which he spoke of spring and awakening nature.
Eremin, I. P. “Literaturnoe nasledie Kirilla Turovskogo.” Trudy Otdela drevnerusskoi literatury, 1955–58, vols. 11–13, 15.Eremin, I. P. “Oratorskoe iskusstvo Kirilla Turovskogo.” Ibid., 1962. vol. 18.