

单词 mif
释义 DictionarySeeforce



Maker Interchange Format


(1) (Maker Interchange Format) An alternate file format for a FrameMaker document. A MIF file is ASCII text, which can be created in another program and imported into FrameMaker.

(2) (Management Information File) A DMI file format that describes a hardware or software component used in a PC. It can contain data, code or both. See DMI.

(3) (Machine Interface Format) A proprietary language for configuring Ascend networking devices. Instead of setting up via menus one option at a time, a MIF file can be created with all the changes and uploaded to the unit.

(4) (Multiple Image Facility) The management of ESCON and FICON mainframe channels so that multiple LPARs (Logical PARtitions) may share it concurrently. See ESCON, FICON and LPAR.



 [mif] migration inhibition factor; migration inhibitory factor.MIF test migration inhibitory factor test.


Abbreviation for migration-inhibitory factor.


A gene on chromosome 22q11.23 that encodes macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MMIF), a proinflammatory lymphokine involved in innate cell-mediated immunity, immunoregulation and inflammation, which regulates macrophage function in host defence by suppressing the anti-inflammatory effects of glucocorticoids.
Molecular pathology
Genetic variations of MIF have been linked to an increase in susceptibility to juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.
LegalSeeForceFinancialSeeMercato Italiano Futures


MIFMultilateral Investment Fund
MIFManchester International Festival (UK)
MIFManagement Information Format
MIFMatsumae International Foundation (Japan)
MIFMelanoma International Foundation (est. 2003)
MIFMultiplayer Interactive Fiction
MIFMetafile Interchange Format
MIFMapinfo Import File
MIFMaintenance Interface
MIFMac Independent Function
MIFMultiple Image Facility
MIFMaker Interchange Format
MIFMiddle Infielder (baseball)
MIFMicro-Immunofluorescence (chlamydia)
MIFMilk Industry Foundation (International Dairy Foods Association)
MIFMortgage Insurance Fund (various locations)
MIFMigration Inhibition Factor
MIFMethod Inheritance Factor (software)
MIFMultinational Interim Force
MIFMilk in First (British)
MIFManagement Information File
MIFMultinational Interception Force
MIFMaritime Interception Force
MIFMaritime Interdiction Force
MIFMüllerian inhibiting factor
MIFMigration Impacts Forum (UK)
MIFMachines in Field (copier industry)
MIFMemory Initialization File
MIFModule Interconnection Facility
MIFMinority Issues Forum (Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences)
MIFMalaysian Islamic Finance
MIFMaster Index File
MIFMathematical Inventions Firm (India)
MIFMission Index Flying (US Air Force)
MIFMaster Item File
MIFMathematics in Finance (international conference)
MIFMadison Investment Fund
MIFMiners' International Federation (Belgium)
MIFMake It Fit
MIFMostarski Interkulturalni Festival (Croatian: Mostar Intercultural Festival; Mostar, Bosnia Herzegovina)
MIFMedical Imaging Forum (Japan)
MIFMembership Information Form
MIFMulti-Lateral Interchange Fee
MIFManeuver Item File
MIFMackinac Island Fudge (Saginaw, MI)
MIFMaster Inventory File
MIFMulticultural Initiatives Fund (Canada)
MIFMen in Field
MIFMSX Interchange Format (graphical file format)
MIFMisreported Information Factor (insurance)
MIFMissile In Flight
MIFModule Integration Facility
MIFManagement Integration Framework
MIFMANPER Interface File
MIFMicrometeoroid Induced Failure (US NASA)
MIFMobile Instrumentation Facility
MIFMalfunction Investigation File
MIFMarginal Importance Factor




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