Miescher granuloma

ac·tin·ic gran·u·lo·ma

an annular eruption on sun-exposed skin which microscopically shows phagocytosis of dermal elastic fibers by giant cells and histiocytes. Synonym(s): Miescher granuloma

Miescher granuloma

A hallmark of erythema nodosum consisting of small, well-defined nodular aggregates of histiocytes around a central stellate cleft scattered throughout the lesions. A lymphohistiocytic infiltrate is present in the septum and in small and medium-sized vessels.

ac·tin·ic gran·u·lo·ma

(ak-tin'ik gran'yū-lō'mă) An anular eruption on sun-exposed skin that microscopically shows phagocytosis of dermal elastic fibers by giant cells and histiocytes.
Synonym(s): Miescher granuloma.


Johann F., Swiss pathologist, 1811-1887. Miescher elastoma - circinate groups of hyperkeratotic papules associated with pseudoxanthoma elasticum.Miescher granuloma - an anular eruption on sun-exposed skin. Synonym(s): actinic granulomaMiescher tubes - elongate fusiform or cylindrical bodies forming the encapsulated cystic intramuscular stage of the protozoan Sarcocystis.