Kirghiz Medical Institute
Kirghiz Medical Institute
a medical institute founded in the city of Frunze in 1939.
The Kirghiz Medical Institute comprises (1972) departments of medicine, pediatrics, sanitation and hygiene, and stomatology; 49 theoretical and clinical subdepartments; central research and fundamental problems laboratories; and a library with holdings of about 300,000. In 1972, 3,600 students were in training at the institute and more than 400 instructors were employed, including 32 professors and doctors of science and 219 docents and candidates of science. The Kirghiz Medical Institute is authorized to accept doctoral and candidate’s dissertations for defense. The institute has published Sbornik nauchnykh trudov (Collected Scientific Works) since 1943. To date the institute has trained more than 6,500 specialists.