Kirghiz Institute of Agriculture

Kirghiz Institute of Agriculture


(K. I. Skriabin Kirghiz Institute of Agriculture), an agricultural institute founded in 1933 in the city of Frunze.

As of 1972, the K. I. Skriabin Kirghiz Institute of Agriculture comprised departments of agronomy, zootechny, veterinary medicine, agricultural mechanization, hydromelioration, economics, and advanced specialized training. It also had a correspondence department, a preparatory division, a graduate program, 41 subdepartments, an experimental farm, 90 training laboratories, and a library with holdings of 350,000. There were more than 5,000 students in training at the institute and about 300 instructors employed, including 11 professors and doctors of science and 90 docents and candidates of science. The institute is authorized to accept doctoral and candidates’ dissertations for defense.

The Kirghiz Agricultural Institute was named after Academician K. I. Skriabin in 1944. The institute has published Trudy (Works; agronomic, zooveterinary, socioeconomic, and engineering series) since 1939. As of 1972, the Kirghiz Institute of Agriculture had trained more than 8,000 specialists.