

单词 moi



abbreviation for (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) Ministry of Information (now superseded by COI)


n. Daniel T. arap, born 1924, president of Kenya since 1978.
IdiomsSeeaprès moi le deluge




the collective name for a group of highland peoples in South Vietnam that was commonly used among the Vietnamese ruling clique and the colonists prior to the revolution of 1945. The term bore the contemptuous connotation of “savages,” or “ignorant ones.” The term “Moi” designated more than 30 peoples and ethnic groups who spoke Mon-Khmer and Indonesian languages and who were at different stages of social and economic development. The Moi are now known as the Thuong (Montagnards).


Narody lugo-Vostochnoi Azii. Moscow, 1966.


multiplicity of infection

The ratio of viral or phage particles to cells in a system to infection targets (e.g., cells in a defined volume).


(mek'a-nizm) [L. mechanismus fr. Gr. mechane, instrument, machine] 1. Involuntary, consistent response to a stimulus.2. A habit or response pattern formed to achieve a result.3. A machine or machine-like structure.

mechanism of action

The means by which a drug exerts its effects on cells or tissues. It may have specific binding sites, receptor activation, enzymatic activity, or solubility.

countercurrent mechanism

A mechanism used by the kidneys, making it possible to excrete excess solutes in the urine with little loss of water from the body.

cycling mechanism

In mechanical ventilation the technology or mechanism that switches a breath from inspiration to expiration.

defense mechanism


Duncan mechanism

Delivery of the placenta when separation begins at the outer margins and progresses inward, presenting the rough maternal side first.

extensor mechanism

The structures that work together to move a joint into an extended position. For most joints, this mechanism is its group of extensor tendons; for other joints, additional structures are involved, such as the patella (a sesamoid bone), which is part of the extensor mechanism of the knee.

host defense mechanism

A complex interacting system that protects the host from endogenous and exogenous microorganisms. It includes physical and chemical barriers, inflammatory response, reticuloendothelial system, and immune responses. See: cytokine; interleukin-1; interferon

mechanism of injury

Abbreviation: MOI
The manner in which a physical injury occurred (e.g., fall from a height, ground-level fall, high- or low-speed motor vehicle accident, ejection from a vehicle, vehicle rollover). The MOI is used to estimate the forces involved in trauma and, thus, the potential severity for wounding, fractures, and internal organ damage that a patient may suffer as a result of the injury.

mechanism of injury

Abbreviation: MOI
The manner in which a physical injury occurred (e.g., fall from a height, ground-level fall, high- or low-speed motor vehicle accident, ejection from a vehicle, vehicle rollover). The MOI is used to estimate the forces involved in trauma and, thus, the potential severity for wounding, fractures, and internal organ damage that a patient may suffer as a result of the injury. See also: mechanism




MOIMinistry of Information (various locations)
MOIMoment Of Inertia
MOIMinistry of Investment (various locations)
MOIMoment of Inspiration (3D modeling software)
MOIMethod of Instruction
MOIMedium of Instruction (education)
MOIMothers of Invention (band)
MOIMultiplicity of Infection
MOIMolecules of Interest
MOIMethod of Implementation
MOIMen of Integrity (ministry)
MOIMethod of Inspection (various companies)
MOIMinistry of the Interior
MOIMinistry of Industry (Vietnam)
MOIMechanism Of Injury
MOIMechanism of Injury (medical reports)
MOIMine of Information
MOIMemorandum of Intent
MOIMen of Issachar (ministry)
MOIMemorandum of Information
MOIMars Orbit Insertion
MOIMemorandum Of Instruction
MOIModel Identification
MOIMarine Officer Instructor
MOIMode of Inheritance (genetics)
MOIMemorandum of Insurance
MOIMode of Infection
MOIMultiple on Investment (finance)
MOIMeteorological Organization of Iran
MOIMinority Owned Institution
MOImoiety of infection
MOIMedical Optical Imaging
MOIMaintenance Operating Instruction
MOIMachine Operating Instructions
MOIMessage of Intent
MOIMissing on Induction
MOIMilitary Occupational Information
MOIManner of Infection
MOIModern Optical Instrumentation (China State Key Laboratory)
MOIMode of Inoculation
MOIMost Outstanding Intern
MOIMedia of Inspection
MOIMitcham Orchestra Inc. (South Australia)
MOIMachinery Operation Instruction
MOIModel Operating Instruction
MOIManner of Inoculation
MOIMessage Of Operational Intent
MOIMarketing Operations Interface




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