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DictionarySeebifidEncyclopediaSeeuvulabifid uvula
uvula [u´vu-lah] 1. any hanging, fleshy mass.2. uvula" >palatine uvula. adj., adj u´vular.uvula of bladder a rounded elevation at the neck" >bladder neck in males, formed by convergence of muscle fibers terminating in the urethra. Called also uvula vesicae.bifid uvula bifurcation of the uvula, an incomplete form of cleft palate.uvula cerebel´li uvula vermis.uvula palati´na (palatine uvula) the small, fleshy mass hanging from the soft palate above the root of the tongue. Features of the oral cavity, including the uvula. From Applegate, 2000.uvula ver´mis the part of the vermis of the cerebellum between the pyramid and nodule; it is a lobule that forms the posterior limit of the fourth ventricle. Called also uvula cerebelli.uvula vesi´cae urina´riae uvula of bladder.bi·fid u·vu·la [MIM*192100] bifurcation of the uvula, constituting a partially cleft soft palate.bifid uvula A uvula with a central cleft, a common anomaly seen in ±1% of whites and 10% of Native Americans. Persons with a cleft uvula should not have their adenoids removed because, without the adenoids, they cannot achieve proper closure between the soft palate and pharynx while speaking and develop hypernasal speech.bi·fid u·vu·la (bīfid yūvyū-lă) [MIM*192100] Bifurcation of the uvula, constituting a partially cleft soft palate. |