Kiowa & Rita Blanca National Grasslands

Kiowa & Rita Blanca National Grasslands

Parks Directory of the United States / National GrasslandsAddress:714 Main St
Clayton, NM 88415

Size: Approximately 230,000 total acres: 136,505 - Kiowa NG; 93,323 - Rita Blanca NG.
Location:Northeast New Mexico, northwest Texas Panhandle, and into Oklahoma. Accessible by US 87, 56/412; NM 39 and 402. Nearby towns include Clayton, Mills, and Seneca, NM, Kerrick and Texline, TX.
Facilities:Campground, dispersed camping, picnic areas, trails.
Activities:Camping, hunting, canoeing, rafting, fishing, hiking, horseback riding, mountain biking, bird watching, wildlife viewing.
Special Features:14-mile segment of the Canadian River; 2-mile section of the Santa Fe National Historic Trail; several paleontological, historic, and prehistoric cultural sites. Canadian River Canyon in the westernmost section of Kiowa NG is a wildlife "island." Barbary sheep, native to Africa, and Rocky Mountain mule deer introduced in 1940s and 1950s have flourished here.

See other parks in New Mexico.