Acronym | Definition |
ONT➣Ontario (old acronym - ON is now frequently used) |
ONT➣Optical Network Terminal |
ONT➣Optimizing Converged Cisco Networks (cisco CCNP exam) |
ONT➣On2 Technologies |
ONT➣Optimizing Networks |
ONT➣Optical Network Tester |
ONT➣Optical Network Termination |
ONT➣Ontario Northland Railway (government of Ontario; reporting car marks) |
ONT➣Ontario, CA, USA - Ontario International (Airport Code) |
ONT➣Our New Thread (Coats & Clark trademark on sewing thread) |
ONT➣Orchid Society of Northern Transvaal (South Africa) |
ONT➣Office of Naval Technology |
ONT➣Out of National Territory |
ONT➣Operational Noise Temperature |