Bienville National Forest

Bienville National Forest

Parks Directory of the United States / National ForestsAddress:3473 Hwy 35 S
Forest, MS 39074

Size: 178,400 acres.
Location:East-central Mississippi. Accessible by I-20; US 80; MS 18 and 35. Nearby cities/towns include Forest, Raleigh, Jackson, and Meridian.
Facilities:2 campgrounds, picnic sites, boat launch, trails.
Activities:Camping, hunting, fishing, swimming, hiking, mountain biking, horseback riding.
Special Features:Harrell Prairie Hill Botanical Area, a remnant of Jackson Prairie natural grassland surrounded by forest; 3 designated wildlife management areas: Bienville, Caney Creek, and Tallahala. Bienville NF also contains a 189-acre tract that is the largest known block of old-growth timber in Mississippi.

See other parks in Mississippi.