medial ligament of temporomandibular joint

me·di·al lig·a·ment of temporomandibular joint

[TA] the intracapsular bundle of fibers strengthening the medial part of the articular capsule of the temporomandibular joint; not as apparent as the lateral ligament. Synonym(s): ligamentum mediale articulationis temporomandibularis [TA]

me·di·al lig·a·ment of tem·po·ro·man·dib·u·lar joint

(mēdē-ăl ligă-mĕnt tempŏr-ō-man-dibyū-lăr joynt) [TA] Intracapsular bundle of fibers strengthening medial part of the articular capsule of temporomandibular joint; not as apparent as lateral ligament.