medial dorsal cutaneous nerve

me·di·al dor·sal cu·ta·ne·ous nerve

[TA] the medial terminal branch of the superficial fibular (peroneal) nerve, supplying the dorsum of the foot and dorsal nerves to the toes (except adjacent sides of great and second toes). Synonym(s): nervus cutaneus dorsalis medialis [TA], dorsal medial cutaneous nerve

me·di·al dor·sal cu·ta·ne·ous nerve

(mē'dē-al dōr'săl kyū-tā'nē-ŭs nĕrv) [TA] Medial terminal branch of the superficial fibular (peroneal) nerve, supplying the dorsum of the foot and dorsal nerves to toes (except adjacent sides of great and second toes).
Synonym(s): dorsal medial cutaneous nerve, nervus cutaneus dorsalis medialis.