Management of the National Economy, Institute for the

Management of the National Economy, Institute for the


a higher educational institution for improving the skills of managerial personnel through instruction in modern scientific methods of management, organization of production, and planning. It was established in 1970 by the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for Science and Technology. In 1978 the institute became part of the Academy of the National Economy of the USSR.

The students, who must have a higher education, are selected from among chief executives of state committees, all-Union or Union republic ministries and agencies, and large industrial associations and enterprises. Citizens of other socialist countries are also trained at the institute. For full-time students the course of study lasts three months.

As of 1979, the institute had a scientific methods division, a special-problems laboratory for economic and mathematical methods and operations research, and a computer center with training facilities.

The Institute for the Management of the National Economy provides methodological guidance to the network of institutes for improving the skills of managerial personnel and specialists and coordinates the work of the system in the area of scientific methods of management. The institute also publishes textbooks and methodological literature. Between 1972 and 1975, members of the faculty prepared a series of eight books, called Science and Management, dealing with current problems of management theory and practice.