

单词 old



O0054000 (ōld)adj. old·er, old·est 1. a. Having lived or existed for a relatively long time; far advanced in years or life.b. Relatively advanced in age: Pamela is our oldest child.2. Made long ago; in existence for many years: an old book.3. a. Of or relating to a long life or to people who have had long lives: a ripe old age.b. Having or exhibiting the physical characteristics of age: a prematurely old face.c. Having or exhibiting the wisdom of age; mature: a child who is old for his years.4. Having lived or existed for a specified length of time: She was 12 years old.5. a. Exhibiting the effects of time or long use; worn: an old coat.b. Known through long acquaintance; long familiar: an old friend.c. Skilled or able through long experience; practiced: He is an old hand at doing home repairs.6. a. Belonging to a remote or former period in history; ancient: old fossils.b. Belonging to or being of an earlier time: her old classmates.c. often Old Being the earlier or earliest of two or more related objects, stages, versions, or periods.7. Geology a. Having become slower in flow and less vigorous in action. Used of a river.b. Having become simpler in form and of lower relief. Used of a landform.8. often ol' (ōl)a. Used as an intensive: Come back any old time. Don't give me any ol' excuse.b. Used to express affection or familiarity: good ol' Sam.n.1. An individual of a specified age: a five-year-old.2. Old people considered as a group. Used with the: caring for the old.3. Former times; yore: in days of old.
[Middle English, from Old English eald; see al- in Indo-European roots.]
old′ness n.Synonyms: old, ancient1, archaic, antediluvian, antique, antiquated
These adjectives describe what belongs to or dates from an earlier time or period. Old is the most general term: old lace; an old saying.
Ancient pertains to the distant past: "the hills, / Rock-ribbed, and ancient as the sun" (William Cullen Bryant).
Archaic implies a very remote, often primitive period: an archaic Greek bronze of the seventh century bc.
Antediluvian applies to what is extremely outdated: "I ... went out to reconnoiter a fresh typewriter ribbon for Professor Mitwisser's antediluvian machine" (Cynthia Ozick).
Antique is applied to what is especially appreciated or valued because of its age: antique furniture; an antique vase.
Antiquated describes what is out of date, no longer fashionable, or discredited: "No idea is so antiquated that it was not once modern. No idea is so modern that it will not someday be antiquated" (Ellen Glasgow).
Usage Note: Old, when applied to people, is a blunt term that usually suggests at least a degree of physical infirmity and age-related restrictions. It should be used advisedly, especially in referring to people advanced in years but leading active lives. · As a comparative form, older might logically seem to indicate greater age than old, but in most cases the opposite is true. A phrase such as the older woman in the wool jacket suggests a somewhat younger person than if old is substituted. Where old expresses an absolute, an arrival at old age, older takes a more relative view of aging as a continuum—older, but not yet old. As such, older is not just a euphemism for the blunter old but rather a more precise term for someone between middle and advanced age. And unlike elderly, older does not particularly suggest frailness or infirmity, making it the natural choice in many situations. See Usage Note at elder1.


(əʊld) adj1. having lived or existed for a relatively long time: an old man; an old tradition; old wine; an old house; an old country. 2. a. of or relating to advanced years or a long life: old age. b. (as collective noun; preceded by the): the old. c. old and young people of all ages3. decrepit or senile4. worn with age or use: old clothes; an old car. 5. a. (postpositive) having lived or existed for a specified period: a child who is six years old. b. (in combination): a six-year-old child. c. (as noun in combination): a six-year-old. 6. (capital when part of a name or title) earlier or earliest of two or more things with the same name: the old edition; the Old Testament; old Norwich. 7. (Linguistics) (capital when part of a name) designating the form of a language in which the earliest known records are written: Old English. 8. (prenominal) familiar through long acquaintance or repetition: an old friend; an old excuse. 9. practised; hardened: old in cunning. 10. (often preceded by: good) cherished; dear: used as a term of affection or familiarity: good old George. 11. informal (with any of several nouns) used as a familiar form of address to a person: old thing; old bean; old stick; old fellow. 12. skilled through long experience (esp in the phrase an old hand)13. out-of-date; unfashionable14. remote or distant in origin or time of origin: an old culture. 15. (prenominal) former; previous: my old house was small. 16. a. (prenominal) established for a relatively long time: an old member. b. (in combination): old-established. 17. sensible, wise, or mature: old beyond one's years. 18. (Physical Geography) (of a river, valley, or land surface) in the final stage of the cycle of erosion, characterized by flat extensive flood plains and minimum relief. See also youthful4, mature619. (intensifier) (esp in phrases such as a good old time, any old thing, any old how, etc)20. (Agriculture) (of crops) harvested late21. good old days an earlier period of time regarded as better than the present22. little old informal indicating affection, esp humorous affection: my little old wife. 23. (Ecclesiastical Terms) the old one the old gentleman informal a jocular name for Satannan earlier or past time (esp in the phrase of old): in days of old. [Old English eald; related to Old Saxon ald, Old High German, German alt, Latin altus high] ˈoldish adj ˈoldness nUsage: Many people nowadays prefer to talk about older people rather than old people, and the phrase the old is best avoided altogether



adj. old•er, old•est eld•er, eld•est, adj. 1. having lived or existed for a comparatively long time; far advanced in years or life: an old man; an old building. 2. of or pertaining to the latter part of life or existence: old age. 3. having lived or existed for a specified time: a six-month-old company. 4. having lived or existed as specified with relation to younger or newer ones: our oldest child. 5. deteriorated through age or long use; worn, decayed, or dilapidated: old clothes. 6. of long standing; having been such for a comparatively long time: an old friend. 7. no longer in general use: This typewriter is an old model. 8. having been replaced or supplanted by something newer or more recent: We sold our old house. 9. former: one of my old classmates. 10. a. long known or in use: the same old excuse. b. overfamiliar to the point of tedium: That joke gets old fast. 11. belonging to the past: the good old days. 12. of or originating at an earlier period or date: old maps. 13. having been in existence since the distant past: an old family. 14. prehistoric; ancient: old civilizations. 15. (cap.) (of a language) in its oldest known period, as attested by the earliest written records: Old Czech. 16. experienced: an old sailor. 17. sedate, sensible, mature, or wise: a child old beyond her years. 18. as if or appearing to be far advanced in years: Worry had made him old. 19. (of colors) dull, faded, or subdued. 20. (of land forms) far advanced in reduction by erosion or the like. 21. (used to indicate affection, familiarity, disparagement, or a personalization): that dirty old thing. 22. (used as an intensive): a high old time. n. 23. the old, old persons collectively. 24. a person or animal of a specified age or age group (used in combination): a program for six-year-olds. 25. time long past: days of old. [before 900; Middle English; Old English eald, ald, c. Old Frisian, Old Saxon ald, Old High German, German alt, Gothic altheis; akin to Old Norse ellri elder1] old′ness, n.


1. 'old'

Old is most commonly used for describing the age of a person or thing. For example, you say that someone 'is forty years old'.

Legally, witnesses must be at least fourteen years old.They found bits of bone which are three-and-a-half million years old.

You can also describe someone as, for example, 'a forty-year-old man'. Don't say 'a forty-years-old man'.

She married a sixty-year-old man.Sue lives with her five-year-old son John in the West Country.

You can also say that someone is 'a man of forty'. However, don't say 'a man of forty years old'.

Maya is a tall, strong woman of thirty.Actually, he looks good for a man of 62.
2. asking about age

You use old after how when you are asking about the age of a person or thing.

'How old are you?' – 'I'll be eight next year.''How old is the Taj Mahal?' – 'It was built in about 1640, I think.'
3. another meaning of 'old'

You can also use old to describe someone who has lived a very long time.

She was a very old lady.He was very thin and he looked really old.
4. 'elderly'

This use of old can sometimes sound rude. Elderly is a more polite word.

I look after my elderly mother.Like many elderly people, Mrs Carstairs could remember voices better than faces.

You can talk about old people as the elderly.

This is one of the many organizations which help the elderly.
5. old friends

An old friend is someone who has been your friend for a long time. He or she is not necessarily an old person.

Some of us took the opportunity to visit old friends.
6. 'old' used for describing objects

An old building or other object was built or made a long time ago.

The museum is a massive old building.The drawers were full of old clothes.
7. 'former'

Old can sometimes mean 'former'. For example, your 'old teacher' is someone that used to be your teacher. He or she is not necessarily an old person.

Jane returned to her old boyfriend.I still like to visit my old school.
Noun1.old - past times (especially in the phrase `in days of old')old - past times (especially in the phrase `in days of old')past, past times, yesteryear - the time that has elapsed; "forget the past"
Adj.1.old - (used especially of persons) having lived for a relatively long time or attained a specific age; "his mother is very old"; "a ripe old age"; "how old are you?"experienced, experient - having experience; having knowledge or skill from observation or participationmature - having reached full natural growth or development; "a mature cell"senior - older; higher in rank; longer in length of tenure or service; "senior officer"young, immature - (used of living things especially persons) in an early period of life or development or growth; "young people"
2.old - of long duration; not new; "old tradition"; "old house"; "old wine"; "old country"; "old friendships"; "old money"noncurrent - not current or belonging to the present timestale - lacking freshness, palatability, or showing deterioration from age; "stale bread"; "the beer was stale"nonmodern - not modern; of or characteristic of an earlier timepast - earlier than the present time; no longer current; "time past"; "his youth is past"; "this past Thursday"; "the past year"worn - affected by wear; damaged by long use; "worn threads on the screw"; "a worn suit"; "the worn pockets on the jacket"new - not of long duration; having just (or relatively recently) come into being or been made or acquired or discovered; "a new law"; "new cars"; "a new comet"; "a new friend"; "a new year"; "the New World"
3.old - (used for emphasis) very familiar; "good old boy"; "same old story"familiar - well known or easily recognized; "a familiar figure"; "familiar songs"; "familiar guests"
4.old - skilled through long experience; "an old offender"; "the older soldiers"olderexperienced, experient - having experience; having knowledge or skill from observation or participation
5.old - belonging to some prior time; "erstwhile friend"; "our former glory"; "the once capital of the state"; "her quondam lover"onetime, one-time, quondam, sometime, erstwhile, formerpast - earlier than the present time; no longer current; "time past"; "his youth is past"; "this past Thursday"; "the past year"
6.old - (used informally especially for emphasis); "a real honest-to-god live cowboy"; "had us a high old time"; "went upriver to look at a sure-enough fish wheel"honest-to-god, honest-to-goodness, sure-enoughecht, genuine - not fake or counterfeit; "a genuine Picasso"; "genuine leather"
7.Old - of a very early stage in development; "Old English is also called Anglo Saxon"; "Old High German is High German from the middle of the 9th to the end of the 11th century"linguistics - the scientific study of languageearly - of an early stage in the development of a language or literature; "the Early Hebrew alphabetical script is that used mainly from the 11th to the 6th centuries B.C."; "Early Modern English is represented in documents printed from 1476 to 1700"
8.old - just preceding something else in time or order; "the previous owner"; "my old house was larger"previouspreceding - existing or coming before


adjective1. aged, elderly, ancient, getting on, grey, mature, past it (informal), venerable, patriarchal, grey-haired, antiquated, over the hill (informal), senile, grizzled, decrepit, hoary, senescent, advanced in years, full of years, past your prime He was considered too old for the job.
aged young, juvenile, youthful, immature
2. tumbledown, ruined, crumbling, decayed, shaky, disintegrating, worn-out, done, tottering, ramshackle, rickety, decrepit, falling to pieces a dilapidated old farmhouse3. worn, ragged, shabby, frayed, cast-off, tattered, tatty, threadbare Dress in old clothes for gardening.4. out of date, old-fashioned, dated, passé, antique, outdated, obsolete, archaic, unfashionable, antiquated, outmoded, behind the times, superannuated, out of style, antediluvian, unhip (slang), out of the ark (informal), démodé (French) They got rid of all their old, outdated office equipment.
out of date new, the new, recent, current, modern, novel, fashionable, up-to-date, modish, du jour (French), culty
5. former, earlier, past, previous, prior, one-time, erstwhile, late, quondam, whilom (archaic), ex- Mark was heartbroken when Jane returned to her old boyfriend.6. long-standing, established, fixed, enduring, abiding, long-lasting, long-established, time-honoured He is an old enemy of mine.7. early, ancient, original, remote, of old, antique, aboriginal, primitive, archaic, gone by, bygone, undeveloped, primordial, primeval, immemorial, of yore, olden (archaic), pristine How did people manage in the old days before electricity?8. stale, common, commonplace, worn-out, banal, threadbare, trite, old hat, insipid, hackneyed, overused, repetitious, unoriginal, platitudinous, cliché-ridden, timeworn He trotted out all the same old excuses as before.9. long-established, seasoned, experienced, tried, tested, trained, professional, skilled, expert, master, qualified, familiar, capable, veteran, practised, accomplished, vintage, versed, hardened, competent, skilful, adept, knowledgeable, age-old, of long standing, well-versed She's an old campaigner at this game.10. customary, established, traditional, conventional, historic, long-established, time-honoured, of long standing They dance, and sing the old songs they sang at home.Quotations
"No man is ever so old but he thinks he can live another year" [Cicero De Senectute]
"There's many a good tune played on an old fiddle"
"You can't teach an old dog new tricks"


adjective1. Existing or remaining in the same state for an indefinitely long time:abiding, continuing, durable, enduring, lasting, long-lasting, long-lived, long-standing, perdurable, perennial, permanent, persistent.2. Far along in life or time:advanced, aged, elderly, senior.Idiom: getting along in years.3. Belonging to, existing, or occurring in times long past:age-old, ancient, antediluvian, antiquated, antique, archaic, hoary, olden, old-time, timeworn, venerable.Idioms: old as Methuselah, old as the hills.4. Having been such previously:erstwhile, former, late, once, onetime, past, previous, quondam, sometime, whilom.5. Of a style or method formerly in vogue:antiquated, antique, archaic, bygone, dated, dowdy, fusty, old-fashioned, old-time, outdated, outmoded, out-of-date, passé, vintage.6. Skilled or knowledgeable through long practice:experienced, practiced, seasoned, versed, veteran.Idiom: knowing the ropes.


(əuld) adjective1. advanced in age. an old man; He is too old to live alone. 年老的 年老的2. having a certain age. He is thirty years old. 人...歲 ...岁的 3. having existed for a long time. an old building; Those trees are very old. 年久的 年久的4. no longer useful. She threw away the old shoes. 破舊的 破旧的5. belonging to times long ago. old civilizations like that of Greece. 古老的 古老的old age the later part of a person's life. He wrote most of his poems in his old age. 晚年 晚年old boy/girl a former pupil (of a school). The new prime minister is an old boy of our school. 老同學 老同学ˌold-ˈfashioned adjective in a style common some time ago. old-fashioned clothes; Her hairstyle is very old-fashioned. 老式的 老式的old hand a person who is very experienced. He's an old hand at this sort of job. 老手 老手old maid an unmarried woman who is past the usual age of marriage. 老處女 老处女the old old people. hospitals for the old. 老年人 老年人


  • How old are you? → 您今年几岁了?
  • I'm fifty years old → 我五十岁了
  • He's ten years old (US)
    He is ten years old (UK) → 他十岁
  • She's twelve years old (US)
    She is twelve years old (UK) → 她十二岁


  • (as) comfortable as an old shoe
  • (as) common as an old shoe
  • (as) old as Adam
  • (as) old as Methuselah
  • (as) old as the hills
  • (as) tough as old boots
  • (old) stamping ground
  • (old) stomping ground
  • (one's) old lady
  • (one's) old man
  • (one's) old stamping ground
  • (one's) old stomping ground
  • (there's) no fool like an old fool
  • a chip off the old block
  • a dirty old man
  • a grand old age
  • a grand old man of
  • a piece of old tackie
  • a shadow of (one's) old self
  • a/the grand old age
  • a/the grand old man
  • an old bag
  • an old bat
  • an old chestnut
  • an old dear
  • an old flame
  • an old fogey/fogy
  • an old hand
  • an old head on young shoulders
  • an old maid
  • an old one
  • an old poacher makes the best gamekeeper
  • an old shoe
  • an old wives' tale
  • an/(one's) old flame
  • an/that old chestnut
  • any (old) nook or cranny
  • any old
  • any old how
  • any old place
  • any old thing
  • any old thing, time, place, etc.
  • any old time
  • as old as Adam
  • as old as my eyes and a little (bit) older than my teeth
  • at a/the ripe old age
  • at/to a ripe old age
  • be (as) old as the hills
  • be (as) tough as old boots
  • be a chip off the old block
  • be as old as Methuselah
  • be money for old rope
  • be up to (one's) (old) tricks
  • be up to (one's) old tricks
  • Better be an old man's darling than a young man's slave
  • big old
  • chip off the old block
  • chip off the old block, a
  • come the old soldier
  • comfortable as an old shoe
  • comfortable as an old shoe, as
  • common as an old shoe
  • dirty joke
  • dirty old man
  • every (old) nook and cranny
  • for auld lang syne/for old times' sake
  • for old times' sake
  • from the old school
  • full of Old Nick
  • full of the devil
  • give (one) the old heave-ho
  • give (something) the (old) college try
  • give someone the air
  • give something the old college try
  • give something/someone the heave-ho
  • go into a song and dance
  • go into the same old song and dance (about something)
  • good old boy
  • good old days
  • good old days, the
  • have a high old time
  • have a rare old time
  • high old
  • high old time
  • in and out
  • It is never too late to learn
  • it's an old story
  • it's the old story
  • it's the same old rigmarole
  • it's the same old story
  • little old
  • little-old
  • live to a ripe old age
  • make old bones
  • money for old rope
  • my old dutch
  • new wine in old bottles
  • no fool like an old fool
  • no fool like an old fool, there's
  • of old
  • of the old school
  • old as Adam
  • old as Methuselah
  • old as the hills
  • old as the hills, (as)
  • old bag
  • old bat
  • old battle-axe
  • old boy/girl
  • old chestnut
  • old codger
  • old codger/coot/fogy
  • old college try
  • old college try, (give it) the
  • old college try, the
  • old dear
  • old enough to be (one's) father
  • old enough to be (one's) mother
  • old enough to be mother
  • old enough to be someone's father
  • old enough to know better
  • old enough to vote
  • old flame
  • old fogey
  • old girl
  • old gray mare
  • old guard
  • Old habits die hard
  • old habits, traditions, etc. die hard
  • old hand
  • old hand at something
  • old hat
  • old heave-ho
  • Old Hollywood
  • old lady
  • old maid
  • old man
  • old money
  • Old Nick
  • old one-two
  • old pals act
  • old poacher makes the best gamekeeper
  • old rose
  • old salt
  • old saw
  • old school
  • old school tie
  • old sins cast long shadows
  • old sins have long shadows
  • old skool
  • old soldier
  • old Spanish customs
  • old stamping ground
  • old stick
  • old story
  • old story, an
  • old traditions die hard
  • old trout
  • old warhorse
  • old windbag
  • old wives' tale
  • old woman
  • old-boy network, the
  • old-timer
  • one's old stamping ground
  • open old wounds
  • pay off
  • play Old Harry with (something)
  • poor old
  • poor old sb/sth
  • put on the (old) feedbag
  • put on the (old) nosebag
  • put the (old) feedbag on
  • rake over old coals
  • rare old time
  • reopen old wounds
  • ring out the old
  • ring out the old and ring in the new
  • ripe old age
  • same old rigmarole, the
  • same old same old
  • same old story
  • same old story, the
  • same old thing
  • settle a score
  • settle an old score (with someone)
  • settle old scores (with someone)
  • settle old scores, to
  • shadow of one's (former/old) self, a
  • shadow of one's self
  • So’s your old man!
  • so's your old lady
  • so's your old man
  • stamping ground
  • stick in the mud, old
  • strap on the (old) feedbag
  • strap on the (old) nosebag
  • strap the (old) feedbag on
  • teach an old dog new tricks
  • teach an old dog new tricks, one can't/it's hard to
  • the (old) college try
  • the (old) heave-ho
  • the good old days
  • the good/bad old days
  • the grand old age of
  • the grand old man of (something)
  • the old Adam
  • the old ball and chain
  • the Old Bill
  • the old boy network
  • the old country
  • the old days
  • the old gray mare
  • the old gray mare ain't what she used to be
  • the old guard
  • the Old Lady of Threadneedle Street
  • the old man
  • the old one-two
  • the old one-two (punch)
  • the old pals act
  • the old school
  • the old school tie
  • the old switcheroo
  • the old-boy network
  • the oldest profession
  • the oldest trick in the book
  • the tune the old cow died of
  • there's life in the old dog yet
  • there's many a good tune played on an old fiddle
  • there's no fool like an old fool
  • tie on the (old) feedbag
  • tie on the (old) nosebag
  • tie the (old) feedbag on
  • to a/the ripe old age
  • tough as an old boot
  • tough as old boots
  • up to (one's) (old) tricks
  • up to one's old tricks
  • up to your tricks
  • war horse
  • warhorse, a (an old)
  • you are never too old to learn
  • You cannot put new wine in old bottles
  • You cannot teach an old dog new tricks
  • you can't put an old head on young shoulders
  • you can't teach an old dog new tricks
  • Young men may die, but old men must die
  • you're only as old as you feel



Geography (of a river, valley, or land surface) in the final stage of the cycle of erosion, characterized by flat extensive flood plains and minimum relief
MedicalSeeold ageLegalSeeOld age


OLDOld Version (file name extension)
OLDOnline Dating
OLDObstructive Lung Disease (respiratory disease)
OLDOffice of Legislative Drafting (Australia)
OLDOccupational Lung Disease
OLDObsessive Love Disorder (mental health)
OLDOxford Latin Dictionary
OLDOriginal Drawing
OLDOptical Line Distribution
OLDOne-Line Diagram
OLDOutput Linefeed Disposition
OLDOffice of Logic Design (NASA)
OLDOrchid List Digest
OLDOptical Line Driver
OLDOperating Level Days
OLDOff-Load Device
OLDOperations Limitation Document
OLDOperational Logic Diagram
OLDOn-Line Tests and Diagnostics (US DoD)


  • all
  • adj
  • noun

Synonyms for old

adj aged


  • aged
  • elderly
  • ancient
  • getting on
  • grey
  • mature
  • past it
  • venerable
  • patriarchal
  • grey-haired
  • antiquated
  • over the hill
  • senile
  • grizzled
  • decrepit
  • hoary
  • senescent
  • advanced in years
  • full of years
  • past your prime


  • young
  • juvenile
  • youthful
  • immature

adj tumbledown


  • tumbledown
  • ruined
  • crumbling
  • decayed
  • shaky
  • disintegrating
  • worn-out
  • done
  • tottering
  • ramshackle
  • rickety
  • decrepit
  • falling to pieces

adj worn


  • worn
  • ragged
  • shabby
  • frayed
  • cast-off
  • tattered
  • tatty
  • threadbare

adj out of date


  • out of date
  • old-fashioned
  • dated
  • passé
  • antique
  • outdated
  • obsolete
  • archaic
  • unfashionable
  • antiquated
  • outmoded
  • behind the times
  • superannuated
  • out of style
  • antediluvian
  • unhip
  • out of the ark
  • démodé


  • new
  • the new
  • recent
  • current
  • modern
  • novel
  • fashionable
  • up-to-date
  • modish
  • du jour
  • culty

adj former


  • former
  • earlier
  • past
  • previous
  • prior
  • one-time
  • erstwhile
  • late
  • quondam
  • whilom
  • ex-

adj long-standing


  • long-standing
  • established
  • fixed
  • enduring
  • abiding
  • long-lasting
  • long-established
  • time-honoured

adj early


  • early
  • ancient
  • original
  • remote
  • of old
  • antique
  • aboriginal
  • primitive
  • archaic
  • gone by
  • bygone
  • undeveloped
  • primordial
  • primeval
  • immemorial
  • of yore
  • olden
  • pristine

adj stale


  • stale
  • common
  • commonplace
  • worn-out
  • banal
  • threadbare
  • trite
  • old hat
  • insipid
  • hackneyed
  • overused
  • repetitious
  • unoriginal
  • platitudinous
  • cliché-ridden
  • timeworn

adj long-established


  • long-established
  • seasoned
  • experienced
  • tried
  • tested
  • trained
  • professional
  • skilled
  • expert
  • master
  • qualified
  • familiar
  • capable
  • veteran
  • practised
  • accomplished
  • vintage
  • versed
  • hardened
  • competent
  • skilful
  • adept
  • knowledgeable
  • age-old
  • of long standing
  • well-versed

adj customary


  • customary
  • established
  • traditional
  • conventional
  • historic
  • long-established
  • time-honoured
  • of long standing

Synonyms for old

adj existing or remaining in the same state for an indefinitely long time


  • abiding
  • continuing
  • durable
  • enduring
  • lasting
  • long-lasting
  • long-lived
  • long-standing
  • perdurable
  • perennial
  • permanent
  • persistent

adj far along in life or time


  • advanced
  • aged
  • elderly
  • senior

adj belonging to, existing, or occurring in times long past


  • age-old
  • ancient
  • antediluvian
  • antiquated
  • antique
  • archaic
  • hoary
  • olden
  • old-time
  • timeworn
  • venerable

adj having been such previously


  • erstwhile
  • former
  • late
  • once
  • onetime
  • past
  • previous
  • quondam
  • sometime
  • whilom

adj of a style or method formerly in vogue


  • antiquated
  • antique
  • archaic
  • bygone
  • dated
  • dowdy
  • fusty
  • old-fashioned
  • old-time
  • outdated
  • outmoded
  • out-of-date
  • passé
  • vintage

adj skilled or knowledgeable through long practice


  • experienced
  • practiced
  • seasoned
  • versed
  • veteran

Synonyms for old

noun past times (especially in the phrase 'in days of old')

Related Words

  • past
  • past times
  • yesteryear

adj (used especially of persons) having lived for a relatively long time or attained a specific age

Related Words

  • experienced
  • experient
  • mature
  • senior


  • young
  • immature

adj of long duration

Related Words

  • noncurrent
  • stale
  • nonmodern
  • past
  • worn


  • new

adj (used for emphasis) very familiar

Related Words

  • familiar

adj skilled through long experience


  • older

Related Words

  • experienced
  • experient

adj belonging to some prior time


  • onetime
  • one-time
  • quondam
  • sometime
  • erstwhile
  • former

Related Words

  • past

adj (used informally especially for emphasis)


  • honest-to-god
  • honest-to-goodness
  • sure-enough

Related Words

  • echt
  • genuine

adj of a very early stage in development

Related Words

  • linguistics
  • early

adj just preceding something else in time or order


  • previous

Related Words

  • preceding




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