

单词 mts



(1)Message Transport System.


(programming)Microsoft Transaction Server.


(1) (MT/s) (MegaTransfers per Second) See MT/sec.

(2) (MPEG-2 Transport Stream) The format for broadcasting MPEG video. See MPEG-2 transport stream.

(3) See Microsoft Transaction Server.

(4) (Modular TV System) The stereo channel added to the NTSC analog TV standard, which includes the SAP audio channel for special use.



Abbreviation for:
Manchester triage system
mesial temporal sclerosis
modified trichrome stain
mouse thyroid stimulator
Muir Torre syndrome


S03-841360 (skle-ro'sis) [Gr. sklerosis, hardening] A hardening or induration of an organ or tissue, esp. one due to excessive growth of fibrous tissue. See: arteriosclerosis; cerebrosclerosissclerotic (-rot'ik), adjective

amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Abbreviation: ALS
Motor neuron disease.

annular sclerosis

Sclerosis in which a hardened substance forms a band about the spinal cord.

arterial sclerosis


arteriolar sclerosis

Sclerosis of the arterioles.

diffuse sclerosis

Sclerosis affecting large areas of the brain and spinal cord.

hyperplastic sclerosis

Medial sclerosis.

insular sclerosis

multiple sclerosis.

intimal sclerosis


lateral sclerosis

Sclerosis of the lateral column of the spinal cord. See: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

lobar sclerosis

Sclerosis of the cerebrum resulting in mental disturbances.

medial sclerosis

Sclerosis involving the tunica media of arteries, usually the result of involutional changes accompanying aging. Synonym: hyperplastic sclerosis

mesial temporal sclerosis

Abbreviation: MTS
Atrophy of neurons and scarring in the temporal lobe of the brain, typically in the hippocampus. It is both a cause and an effect of temporal lobe epilepsy. Some patients with focal seizures and a clearly defined area of MTS have significant improvement in seizure activity when the affected area of the temporal lobe is surgically removed.

multiple sclerosis

Abbreviation: MS
A chronic disease of the central nervous system (CNS) in which there is destruction of myelin within several regions of the brain and spinal cord at different times. This results in temporary, repetitive, or sustained disruptions in nerve impulse conduction, causing symptoms such as muscular weakness, loss of coordination, numbness, visual disturbances, loss of control of bowel, bladder, and sexual functions. The clinical picture in MS depends upon the extent of demyelination. Multiple sclerosis is a relatively common disorder: more than 400,000 Americans are affected, of whom the majority (about 390,000) are adults. Multiple sclerosis usually begins between ages 20 and 40; women are twice as likely to have the disease as men, and European-Americans are more likely to be affected than African-Americans or Asian-Americans. Four main categories of MS are currently recognized. The benign variant is marked by several episodes of nervous system dysfunction, followed by complete recovery. The primary progressive variant is marked by rapid loss of neurological functions that do not resolve, causing severe functional impairments that worsen over time. More common than either of these types of MS are the two relapsing-remitting variants. In patients with these disorders, neurological deficits develop and then improve either completely or partially. In patients who achieve only partial restoration of neurological function, secondary progression of the disease may result in a gradual accumulation of visual, motor, or sensory disabilities. Synonym: insular sclerosis

About half of all patients with MS become unable to work within 10 to 15 years of the first onset of symptoms. Within 25 years of the first symptoms, half of these patients cannot walk.


The cause of the disease is unknown although much evidence suggests that T lymphocytes that injure nerve cells and nerve sheaths play an important role, that is, that the disease has an autoimmune basis. Some evidence links MS to hypovitaminosis of vitamin D.


Nearly a quarter of all patients with MS initially develop visual disturbances or blindness. Other consequences of the disease include sudden or progressive weakness in one or more limbs, muscular spasticity, nystagmus, fatigue, tremor, gait instability, recurrent urinary tract infections (caused by bladder dysfunction), incontinence, and alterations in mood, including euphoria, irritability, and depression. See: retrobulbar neuritis


Diagnosis is usually based on the patient’s history. MRI may detect areas of the brain and/or spinal cord with demyelination. Lumbar puncture is often performed to assess patients for oligoclonal bands (immunoglobulins released into the cerebrospinal fluid due to inflammation).


Although there is no known cure for MS, corticosteroids, interferon-alpha, and glatiramer may be used in specific settings to reduce disability or the frequency of relapses and the progression of disease in patients with some variants of MS. Treatment should be individualized because these therapies may be expensive, ineffective in benign or primary progressive disease, and poorly tolerated by some patients. Symptomatic relief (e.g., of spasticity with muscle relaxants, or of bladder dysfunction with anticholinergic drugs) is provided as needed.

Patient care

The health care professional provides support to patients with MS and their families. The patient is advised to avoid fatigue, overexertion, exposure to extreme heat or cold, and stressful situations, and is encouraged to follow a regular plan of daily activity and exercise based on levels of tolerance. The patient is taught about symptoms that may occur during exacerbations of the disease and the need to adapt the plan of care to changing needs, as well as about the administration of prescribed medications. Physical and occupational therapy referral assist the patient to maintain muscle tone and joint mobility, decrease spasticity, improve balance and coordination, and increase morale. Massages, relaxing baths, yoga, and tai chi may prove helpful. A nutritious, well-balanced diet with adequate roughage and fluids is recommended. Bladder and bowel training programs, self-catheterization, and the use of condom catheters may be required. Independence is encouraged by assisting the patient to develop new methods for activities of daily living (ADL) performance and optimal functioning. Both the patient and family are encouraged to promote safety in the home and the work environment. For support and information, the patient and family should be referred to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society (800-FIGHT-MS; www.nmss.org).

myelinoclastic diffuse sclerosis

Schilder's disease.

neural sclerosis

Sclerosis with chronic inflammation of a nerve trunk with branches.

nuclear sclerosis

An increase in the refractive index of the eye's crystalline lens, which culminates in the development of nuclear cataracts. Before the cataract fully opacifies, the patient's near vision may improve, a phenomenon known as senopia or second sight.

progressive systemic sclerosis

Abbreviation: PSS
A chronic disease of unknown cause that occurs four times as frequently in women as in men. It causes sclerosis of the skin and other organs, including the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, heart, and kidneys. The skin is taut, firm, and edematous and is firmly bound to subcutaneous tissue, which often causes limitation of the range of motion. The skin also feels tough and leathery, may itch, and later becomes hyperpigmented. The skin changes usually precede the development of signs of visceral involvement. See: CREST syndrome Synonym: systemic sclerosis


There is no specific therapy. General supportive therapy is indicated. A great number of drugs including corticosteroids, vasodilators, d-penicillamine, and immunosuppressive agents have been tried. Physical therapy will help maintain range of motion and muscular strength but will not influence the course of joint disease.

renal sclerosis


systemic sclerosis

Progressive systemic sclerosis.

tuberous sclerosis

Abbreviation: TS
An autosomal dominant disorder in which multiple benign tumors appear in the skin, brain, heart, and kidneys of affected children. Infants born with this disease may have facial angiofibromas, astrocytomas of the CNS, hamartomas of the retina, and other lesions, producing hydrocephalus, mental retardation, autism, and seizures. Synonym: Bourneville disease; tuberous sclerosis complex

vascular sclerosis


venous sclerosis


mesial temporal sclerosis

Abbreviation: MTS
Atrophy of neurons and scarring in the temporal lobe of the brain, typically in the hippocampus. It is both a cause and an effect of temporal lobe epilepsy. Some patients with focal seizures and a clearly defined area of MTS have significant improvement in seizure activity when the affected area of the temporal lobe is surgically removed. See also: sclerosis


MTSMicrosoft Transaction Server (Microsoft)
MTSManitoba Telecom Services
MTSMetropolitan Transit System
MTSMobile TeleSystems (GSM cellular operator in Central and Eastern Europe)
MTSMaster of Theological Studies
MTSMarine Technology Society
MTSMethylphenidate Transdermal System
MTSMulti-Threaded Server
MTSMovement Tracking System
MTSMessage Transfer System (ITU-T - X.400)
MTSMiniature Toggle Switch (electronics)
MTSMoisture Transport System (fabric technology)
MTSMarketing Technology Solutions (various companies)
MTSMoney Transfer System
MTSMulti Tasking System
MTSMobile Terminals
MTSMiddle Tier Server
MTSMega Transfers per Second
MTSMultichannel Television System
MTSMountain Time Standard
MTSMicrosoft Technical Support
MTSMeta Stream
MTSMacro Temporary Store
MTSMulti Tier Solutions
MTSMpeg Tv Station
MTSMicrosoft Transaction Server
MTSMillion Transfers per Second
MTSMessage Transfer System
MTSMultichannel Tv Sound
MTSMpeg Transport Stream
MTSMobile Telephony Service
MTSMobile Telecommunications System
MTSMacro Tasks
MTSMulti Threaded Server
MTSMachine Translation System (computational linguistics)
MTSMidtown South (New York)
MTSMember of Technical Staff
MTSMake to Stock
MTSMarine Transportation System
MTSMaladies Transmises Sexuellement (French: sexually transmitted diseases)
MTSMicrosoft Terminal Services
MTSMonthly Treasury Statement
MTSMountain Travel Symposium (Whistler, British Columbia, Canada)
MTSMultichannel Television Sound
MTSMichigan Terminal System (virtual memory OS)
MTSMessage Transfer Service
MTSMesial Temporal Sclerosis
MTSMobile Telephone System
MTSMotor Transport Services (various locations)
MTSManitoba Telephone System
MTSMoravian Theological Seminary (Bethlehem, PA)
MTSMass Transit System
MTSMessage Telephone Service
MTSManual Transfer Switch
MTSMaster Training Specialist (USN designation)
MTSMulti-Spectral Targeting System
MTSMessage Telecommunications Service
MTSMessage Toll Service
MTSMainstream Tobacco Smoke
MTSMusic Theory Society (various locations)
MTSMitretek Systems
MTSMenace to Society (band; gaming clan)
MTSMulti-Tech Systems, Inc.
MTSMotion Technology Selectorized (Life Fitness product)
MTSMerloni TermoSanitari Spa (Italy)
MTSMuir-Torre Syndrome
MTSMinistry Training Strategy
MTSMineralized Top Soil (aquariums)
MTSMinimum Technical Standards
MTSMoored Training Ship
MTSManagement Training Scheme (UK National Health System)
MTSMedicare Transaction System (HCFA)
MTSMorse Taper Shank (machine and drilling tool designation)
MTSMachine Test Signal (industrial safety)
MTSManagement Tracking System
MTSMohr-Tranebjaerg Syndrome
MTSMaterial Tracking System
MTSModernization Through Spares
MTSMaster Timing System (US NASA)
MTSMantle Resources Inc. (Vancouver, BC, Canada; stock symbol)
MTSMoving Target Simulator
MTSMidwest Talent Search (Center for Talent Development at Northwestern University)
MTSMarine Transaction Services (Norway)
MTSMachine Tractor Station (Russian collective farms)
MTSMental Test Score (geriatric assessment scale)
MTSMarinetechnikschule (German Navy school)
MTSMotor Tuning Show (trade show; United Arab Emirates)
MTSMy Teenage Stride (band)
MTSMechanical Threshold Stress
MTSManaged Tax Service (various companies)
MTSMonotone Treatment Response
MTSMobile Traffic Shaper (Cellglide)
MTSMusculoskeletal Tumor Society
MTSMercury Tilt Switch
MTSManitoba Teacher's Society
MTSMoscow Time Standard (GMT+0300)
MTSMultiservice Transport Switch (Telabs)
MTSMaintenance Test Set
MTSMagnetic Tape Subsystem
MTSMarketing Trends Survey (Chartered Institute of Marketing; UK)
MTSMobile Transaction Server (Aldata Solution Oyj)
MTSMaster Transportation Study
MTSMulti Trailer System
MTSmIRC Theme Standard
MTSMonroe Transit System
MTSMiddletown Transit System (Middletown, OH)
MTSModule-to-Truss Structure
MTSMarine Tactical System
MTSMeteoroid Technology Satellite
MTSManagement and Technology Solutions, Inc. (Falls Church, VA)
MTSMulti Tasking Software
MTSMotion and Time Study
MTSMaple Trading System (gaming, Maplestory)
MTSMaahad Tahfiz Sains (Malaysian school)
MTSMid-Tier Server
MTSMcAllister Technical Services
MTSMilitary Tracking System
MTSMethods for Testing and Specifications
MTSMessage Transmission Subsystem
MTSMaster Time Schedule
MTSMagnetic Torquing System
MTSMarion Transit Services
MTSMeasured Telephone Service(s)
MTSMilitary Training Standard
MTSMobile Trace System (G-Gundam)
MTSMissile Test Station
MTSMan Transportable SOCRATES
MTSMortar Tracking System
MTSMicrowave Test Station
MTSMound Technical Solutions, Inc. (Mound Advanced Technology Center; Miamisburg, OH)
MTSMeter Tonne Second
MTSMobile Treatment System (vapor extraction system for contamination clean ups)
MTSMethodology of Test Suites
MTSManpower Tracking System
MTSMasked Target Sensors
MTSMaterial Test Specification (Sprint)
MTSMiddle Thermal Shield
MTSMaintenance Trainer Set
MTSMonkey Trap Syndrome
MTSMaster of Tourism Studies
MTSMedia Transcoding Server (Comverse Network Systems)
MTSMobile Tracking Station/Set
MTSManagement of Total Safety
MTSMedia Training Squadron
MTSMinimal Time Slicing
MTSMagnetic Tape Synchronizer
MTSMerrill Transit System (Merrill, WI)
MTSMid-Term System
MTSMajan Technical Services (Oman)




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