

单词 mtp



(1) (Message Transfer Part) See SS7.

(2) (Media Transfer Protocol) A Microsoft enhancement to the Picture Transfer Protocol (PTP), starting with Windows Media Player 10 in Windows XP. While PTP deals with photos, MTP supports the transfer of music files and meta-data, such as titles and artist names, between portable players and the computer. See PictBridge and USB device class.



Abbreviation for metatarsophalangeal joints , under joint.


Abbreviation for metatarsophalangeal.


(mĕt″ă-tăr″sō-fă-lăn′jē-ăl) [″ + ″ + phalanx, closely knit row],


Concerning the metatarsus and phalanges of the toes.


MTPMedia Transfer Protocol
MTPMedical Termination of Pregnancy
MTPMeet the Press (NBC news program)
MTPMessage Transfer Part
MTPMount Pleasant (Amtrak station code; Mount Pleasant, IA)
MTPMetropolitan Transportation Plan (various locations)
MTPMid-Term Plan (various organizations)
MTPMotion to Proceed (legislation)
MTPMedium-Term Plan
MTPManaged Total Protection
MTPMainframe Transaction Processing
MTPMultipoint to Point
MTPMulti Thread Paging
MTPMulti Thread Processor
MTPMission Training Plan
MTPMultimedia Transport Protocol
MTPMessage Transfer Process
MTPMail Transfer Protocol
MTPMcafee Total Protection
MTPMicrosomal Triglyceride Transfer Protein
MTPMitsubishi Tanabe Pharma (Japan)
MTPMedia Termination Point (Cisco)
MTPMicrowave Temperature Profiler
MTPMake to Print
MTPMulticast Transport Protocol
MTPMulti-Terrain Pattern (British Army; UK)
MTPManagement Trainee Program (Canada)
MTPMajor Thoroughfare Plan (various locations)
MTPMultiple Time Programmable (electronics)
MTPMaster Training Program (various locations)
MTPMassage Therapy Program
MTPMedium Term Priority (various organizations)
MTPMessage Transfer Protocol (SS7)
MTPMilitary Toxics Project
MTPMitochondrial Trifunctional Protein
MTPMail Transport Protocol
MTPMaintenance Test Pilot
MTPMovement for Tolerance and Progress (Burkina Faso)
MTPMinutes to Post (horse racing; time before the race is run)
MTPMaster Treatment Plan
MTPManufacturing Technology Partnership
MTPMove to Production
MTPMultiple Spanning Tree (IEEE 802.1s)
MTPMultipoint-to-Point (network)
MTPMultifunctional Touch Panel (various companies)
MTPMicro-Titer Plate
MTPMulticast Translator Based on IGMP/MLD Proxying
MTPMaximum Total Trihalomethane Potential
MTPManufacturing Technology Program
MTPMassive Transfusion Protocol
MTPMortgagee's Title Policy (real estate)
MTPMillion Trees Program (Australia)
MTPMessage Transfer Point
MTPMaritime Trade Press (German publication)
MTPMiles Tails Prower (Sonic the Hedgehog game character)
MTPMaster of Town Planning
MTPMinimum Tour Price (airfare construction)
MTPModel Taper Pipe (engineering)
MTPMitochondrial Transit Peptide
MTPMilly Tiklanish Democratic Partiya (Democratic National Rebirth Party, Uzbekistan)
MTPMulti-TADIL Processor
MTPMateriel Transfer Plan
MTPMaster Timing Pulse
MTPMotor Thermal Protection
MTPMaritime Tactical Publication
MTPMater Test Plan
MTPMulti Threat Protection (vests)
MTPMaster Test Procedure
MTPMaintenance Test Plan
MTPMean Temperature and Pressure
MTPMetal Transfer Printing
MTPMaster Training/Test Plan
MTPMulti Thread Programming
MTPMaintenance Test Package
MTPMission Tailored Product
MTPMission Test/Training Plan
MTPMuy Tu Problema
MTPManufacturas Textiles Perfecta (Spanish: Perfect Textiles Manufacturing; Guatemala)
MTPMain Teaching Points
MTPMaster of Town and Country Planning
MTPMilitary Training Plan




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